Case 32: Going To Nagano

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Kansuke, Yui, and Koumei were investigating the organization's hideout in Nagano, and they didn't tell anyone as Shinichi requested. After a full day of investigation, they contacted Shinichi and the others. 
Kansuke:"Shinichi-kun, we have investigated the hideout here, and it turns out it really exists" 
Kansuke:"We saw a lot of people in black clothes coming in and out of that hideout" 
Shinichi:"So, did you see Gin or anyone else from the data I sent you?" 
Koumei:"We saw someone who looked like Gin and Vodka arrive in a Porsche, but we weren't too sure if it was them" 

Shinichi:"That must be them, are they still there?" 
Yui:"They were still there when we left, but we didn't see anyone else matching the data you sent" 
Shinichi:"Alright, thank you for the information" 
Shinichi hung up the phone and looked at his friends, who were at Professor's house as usual. 
Shinichi:"Guys, we're going to Nagano" 
Looking at his friends, Shinichi realized that Felix wasn't there. 
Shinichi:"Where's Felix?" 
Masumi and the others shook their heads, then Shinichi called Felix. 

About an hour ago, Felix was actually at Wakasa-sensei's apartment, explaining everything that had happened so far to Wakasa. 
Felix:"So that's how it is, I hope you don't attack Bourbon without a reason again" 
Wakasa:"Alright, I understand, I didn't realize so much has happened lately" 
Felix:"Yeah, it's been quite exhausting for us" 
Wakasa:"If so, can I help you end all of this?" 
Felix:"Of course, I want you to protect the Detective Boys, I'm afraid they might become targets because they are connected to us" 
Wakasa:"Even without your request, I would definitely protect them" 
Wakasa:"They are my students, and ensuring their safety is a teacher's duty" 

Felix's phone rang, and he asked Wakasa for permission to answer it. 
Shinichi:"Felix, where are you?" 
Felix:"What's up?" 
Shinichi:"Inspector Yamato just contacted me, he said Gin and Vodka are in Nagano" 
Shinichi:"We need to head there immediately" 
Felix:"Are you sure it's not a trap?" 
Shinichi:"Not entirely, but it's a great opportunity for us, we shouldn't waste it" 
Felix:"Alright, I'll head there now" 
After hanging up, Felix returned to speaking with Wakasa. 
Felix:"We're going to Nagano to investigate one of the organization's hideouts" 

Felix:"I leave the Detective Boys in your hands" 
Felix:"See you later, Asaca" 
After saying that, Felix quickly left to catch up with his friends. They took a bullet train to Nagano, arriving at around 3 AM. After a brief discussion with Kansuke, Yui, and Koumei, they headed straight to the hideout of the black organization. They observed the hideout for a while, and soon after, they saw Gin and Vodka exit the hideout. Gin and Vodka then got into a car and left the place. 

Shinichi and the others continued to watch for a few more minutes but did not see anyone else come out of the hideout. 
Felix:"I have a bad feeling about this" 
They all rushed out of their hiding spot and ran into the hideout. When they entered, they only saw piles of corpses of the organization members scattered around the hideout. 
Felix:"I knew it" 
They then split up to search for anyone who might still be saved, but the results were empty. While Kaito was inspecting the bodies, he noticed a time bomb attached to them. 

Kaito:"Damn, everyone get out of here fast!" 
They all hurried out of the hideout, and not long after they exited, the bombs inside the hideout exploded. 
Shinichi:"Damn, I should have known they would anticipate this, with those people caught, they would definitely erase all traces of their existence" 
Heiji:"Damn!! They probably will also destroy their hideout in Tottori" 
Shiho:"It’s always like this, every time we manage to track them, we always lose their trail in an instant" 
Saguru:"With this, everything goes back to square one" 

Felix:"That's roughly what they want us to think" 
The teenagers then smiled. 
Masumi:"If later or tomorrow there’s news about a fire in the Tottori area, everything will become clear" 
Unlike the smiling teenagers, the three police inspectors there looked confused. 
Yui:"Can you explain to us what you are talking about?" 
Shiho then explained to the three police officers. 
Shiho:"The people from that organization use a logic game" 

Shiho:"Since we already know that their hideouts are in Nagano and Tottori, they immediately destroyed their hideout in Nagano and then they will destroy a building in the Tottori area, intending to confuse us and make us think they destroyed all of their hideouts" 
Koumei:"Ah, I see, they want to make us lose all our clues while hiding the location of their actual hideout" 
Shinichi:"That's right, we're still not too sure, but it's highly likely their hideout is in Tottori" 
Akako:"But didn't you say we don't have anyone in Tottori?" 
Kaito:"Yeah, this is our best and worst chance" 
Eisuke:"If Tottori is indeed their territory, then it will be very difficult for us to sneak in there" 

Masumi:"We also can't ask Felix and Kaito to disguise themselves there, because security will definitely be very tight" 
Felix:"So, our only option is to attack them with full force?" 
Shinichi:"That is most likely the only option we have" 
Felix:"Then we better inform everyone to get ready and make a plan" 
Felix:"This is our golden opportunity to wipe them out in one strike" 

They all then contacted their colleagues to gather and make a plan. At the same time, at Teitan High School, Ran, who was chatting with Sonoko, felt a very strong premonition. 
She didn't know whether the premonition was good or bad, she just knew that something big was about to happen, and it would affect many people. Later that afternoon, as they all suspected, news broke about a fire in a building in the Tottori area. 
Shinichi:"With this, we are sure that their hideout is indeed in Tottori" 
Felix:'And finally, soon enough, all of this will come to an end'

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