Case 2: Informations About The Organisation

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Conan, Haibara, and Felix were talking in a secluded place.
Felix:"Finally, I can talk to you two alone, high school detective Kudo Shinichi, and the woman who betrayed the organization, Sherry, or do you prefer to be called Kudo Shiho?"
Conan and Haibara looked sharply at Felix.
Haibara:'I feel like there's something wrong with that statement'
Conan:"Who are you?"
Felix:"I am a victim of APTX4869 just like you two"
Conan:"Another victim shrunk by that APTX, I'm starting to doubt if that drug can actually kill someone"
Haibara:"Honestly, I've started doubting it too"
They both then realized something.

Conan:"How do you know about us?"
Felix:"I read the files about you from the organization's server"
Felix:"Don't worry, I've deleted them"
Conan:"Does that mean you also betrayed the organization like Haibara?"
Haibara:"Then who are you?"
Felix smiled at both of them.
Felix:"I'm Falcø, ever heard of me?"
Conan:"Yes, we were just talking about you this morning"
Conan:"So, what do you want from us?"
Felix:"Relax, I'm on your side, and I have some information that will be very useful to you"
Conan:"How can we trust you?"
Felix:"If I were your enemy, I would have killed you earlier"

Haibara:"Well then, how about you tell us one thing. If we're satisfied, then we'll trust you"
Felix:"So, how about information on Okiya Subaru and Sera Masumi?"
Haibara:"I already know about that. Okiya Subaru is actually Akai Shuichi, and Sera's brother, right?"
Felix:"Not just that, they're also your cousins"
Haibara & Conan:"Huh?"
Felix:"Yes, from the data I retrieved from MI6 and the Black Organization, Akai's and Sera's mothers are sisters to your mother"
After hearing this, Haibara was speechless, while Conan still looked bewildered.

Conan:"Wait, doesn't that mean Akai-san......."
Felix seemed to understand what Conan wanted to say, and he nodded immediately.
Haibara:"Alright, we'll try to trust you"
Felix:"Thank you"
The three of them then decided to continue their conversation at Professor Agasa's house.
Agasa:"Welcome, Ai-kun. Oh, Shin-Conan-kun, you're here too. Who's behind you?"
Conan:"He already knows about us, Professor, so we don't need to hide our identities"
Agasa:"Oh, alright. So who are you?"
Felix:"I'm Falcø, but for now, just call me Felix"

Felix:"Shinichi, Shiho, can you come closer for a moment?"
Conan:"What's wrong?"
Felix then held Conan's wristwatch as they approached, then fired a tranquilizer dart from the watch towards Haibara, causing her to faint. Conan immediately caught Haibara to prevent her from hitting the floor.
Conan:"Why did you do that?"
Felix:"Because, it's better if she doesn't hear the information we're about to discuss"
Conan nodded, then laid Haibara on her bed and returned to Felix.
Conan:"So, what information do you have?"
Felix then glanced towards the door.
Felix:"Don't you want to hear this directly?"
The doorbell rang, and Okiya Subaru entered the house carrying a pot of food.

Felix:"Yo, long time no see, Akai Shuichi. I was quite surprised when I heard that you were dead, although I knew it was fake"
Subaru:"Yo, um... Your name now is Felix, right?"
Felix:"Alright, let's get our conversation started"
Felix:"The first piece of information is about Rum"
Subaru:"You know Rum's identity?"
Felix:"I do, but before that, I want to ask if you have any clues about Rum's identity?"
Conan:"I suspect three people, Police Chief Kuroda, Wakasa-sensei, and sushi chef Wakita Kanenori, but I still don't have enough evidence"
Felix immediately smiled upon hearing that.

Felix:"As expected from a famous detective, Rum is indeed one of them"
Conan:"Really? Who?"
Felix:"Before I tell you who Rum is, I should explain the other two first"
Felix:"The first is Police Chief Kuroda Hyoue, he knows that Furuya Rei is Bourbon"
Felix:"Calm down, he's actually Rei's superior in the NPA, and he is"
Felix turned slowly to Subaru.
Felix:"Akai Tsutomu, your father"
Subaru was shocked but said nothing.
Felix:"The second is Wakasa Rumi, she also knows that Rei is Bourbon, but she attacked Rei at the farm, and she has a relationship with Haneda Kohji, so she is not Rum"

Conan:"Wait, then that leaves only"
Felix:"That's right, the sushi chef who suddenly appears and is very close to you, Wakita Kanenori"
Conan immediately took out his phone to call the agency, but Felix stopped him.
Felix:"Calm down, for now, we don't need to worry about him"
Conan:"Alright, what other information do you have?"
Felix:"The second piece of information is about Vermouth, she has a special relationship with Karasuma Renya, and only a few people know about it"
Subaru:"What kind of relationship?"
Felix:"Sorry, I can't say more about her because she helped me escape from the organization"

Felix:"The last piece of information is that we will need the four silver bullets to destroy the organization"
Conan:"Who are they?"
Felix:"You, me, Akai, and Kaito Kid"
Conan:"Kaito Kid? How can we contact him?"
Felix:"That's easy, he's my friend"
Conan:"You know him?"
Conan:"Then what are we waiting for? Quickly contact him so we can destroy that organization"
Felix:"Calm down, Shinichi. If we rush, we will lose"
Agasa:"He's right, Shinichi-kun. You have to think everything through calmly"
Conan:"Sorry about that"
Felix:"And also, even though I said we need four silver bullets to gather, I think we can't destroy them with just four people"

Felix:"We will need all the help we can get from the police, detectives, and all the intelligence agencies available"
Subaru:"That's true, after this I will inform the FBI about all this information, and hope the other intelligence agencies will help us"
Felix:"If they don't want to help, just mention my name"
Subaru:"Felix-kun, do you also know what happened to my mother?"
Felix:"Shinichi knows"
Conan:"Ah, sorry Subaru-san, I forgot to tell you about this. Your mother is fine, she is with Sera right now, and she also shrank because of APTX4869"

Subaru:"I'm glad she's okay. With her help, we can easily request assistance from MI6, and if what Felix-kun said is true, that my father is still alive and becomes the police chief, we can also ask for help from the police and NPA"
Conan:"Good, with this we just need to wait for the right time and prepare our plan"
Felix:"It seems you're forgetting one thing"
Felix:"And that thing is very important"
Conan:"What am I forgetting?"
Felix:"We need to create an antidote and return our bodies to their original size first"
Conan:"Oh about that, I don't want to burden Haibara with that"

Felix:"I can help with that. I managed to steal some data about a drug developed by her parents, and that drug has the same effect as apotoxin"
Conan:"Really? Then we can make that antidote right away?"
Felix:"I don't think it will be that quick. Even with my help, it will still take a few months, or maybe even a year, sorry"
Conan:"No need to apologize, you're really helping us, take your time to make the antidote"
Felix then handed two flash drives to Conan.
Felix:"This flash drive contains all the information we need to create the antidote. Give this to Shiho when she wakes up, and tell her I'm sorry"

Felix:"Then the other flash drive contains copies of information from the organization"
Felix:"Alright, that's all the information I have"
Felix:"I'm going home now"
Conan:"Do you have a house in Japan?"
Felix:"Come on, I'm a professional hitman. Of course I have several secret hideouts"
Conan:"Before you go, can I ask one more thing?"
Conan:"How old are you really?"
Felix:"17, just like you"
Felix:"See you tomorrow"
Felix:"I hope Shiho doesn't kill me tomorrow"

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