Case 4: The Team's Meeting

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One afternoon, Conan was at Professor Agasa's house when he received a phone call from Heiji.
Heiji:"Yo Kudo, where are you right now? I'm at Detective Mouri's Agency but you're not here"
Heiji:"I want to discuss the information you sent me in more detail"
Conan:"I'm at Professor Agasa's house"
Heiji:"I'll come over soon, once I figure out a way to escape from Kazuha"
Conan:"Good luck"
After Conan hung up with Heiji, Felix called him.
Conan:"What's up?"
Felix:"I managed to contact Kaito Kid, and he said he can meet us tonight at Professor Agasa's house"
Conan:"That's perfect timing. Hattori is also coming here"

Felix:"Alright then, see you later"
Conan ended the call and went down to the lab to fetch Haibara.
Conan:"Hey Haibara, Felix, Hattori, and Kid are coming to discuss the information we've gathered. Do you want to join?"
But Haibara didn't respond at all, and when Conan entered, he saw Haibara unconscious on the floor.
Conan:"Haibara, what happened to you?"
Conan:"Damn, someone needs to take her to the hospital"
Conan:"Oh right, I can ask her for help"
Conan then took out his phone and made a call.

Later that evening, Felix arrived at Professor Agasa's house. He opened the door cheerfully.
Felix:"Yo Shin... uh, Masumi"
Felix saw Sera Masumi talking to Conan, carrying Haibara who was unconscious. Masumi smiled when she saw Felix but didn't say anything.
Felix:"What happened to her?"
Conan:"I don't know. When I called her, she was already like this. It seems she pushed herself to make an antidote"
Conan:"Since Professor is away, and I can't call Ran, because it would involve her in this mess, I asked Sera to take Haibara to the hospital"
Conan:"Besides, they're cousins, right?"
Sera then left to take Haibara away, but she glanced at Felix before leaving and chuckled.
Felix:"Did you tell her everything?"
Conan:"Yes, didn't you say we need all the help we can get?"
Felix:"Did you tell her about me too?"
Conan:"Yeah, why?"
Felix sighed and rubbed his face resignedly.
Conan:"Do you two know each other?"
Felix:"We've been friends for a long time, and because she knows what I've become, I'm sure she'll tease me endlessly after this"
Shortly after, a teenage boy resembling Shinichi entered the house.

Conan was initially surprised to see the person.
Conan:"Who are you?"
Felix:"He's Kaito Kid"
Kaito:"My real name is Kuroba Kaito, nice to meet you, Detective-kun"
Conan:"Why are you disguised as Shinichi-niichan?"
Kaito:"This is my real face. Many say I look like you"
Conan:"It's not just a resemblance anymore, it's like we're twins. And it seems you already know my true identity"
Kaito:"I've known for a long time"
Kaito:"By the way, Falcø asked me to come here, but it seems he hasn't arrived yet"
Felix:"I'm here, and right now my name is Felix"
Kaito burst out laughing loudly.

Kaito:"What happened to you, buddy? Why did you shrink like that?"
Felix:"The same thing that happened to Shinichi"
Kaito:"But thank goodness you're still alive. When I heard you got caught by that Black Organization, I thought you were dead"
Felix:"Yeah, I got some help"
Not long after, Heiji arrived and was surprised to see Kaito, thinking it was Shinichi.
Heiji:"Yo Kudo, it looks like you're back in your original body"
Conan:"Hatori, he's not me"
Heiji:"Huh? There are two Kudos?"
Conan:"He's Kaito Kid, you idiot"
Heiji:"He looks just like you"

Conan:"I know, I was surprised at first too"
Heiji then noticed Felix was also there.
Heiji:"Huh? What's this kid doing here?"
Conan:"He's Falcø"
Heiji:"He shrank too? Why didn't you tell me about this?"
Conan:"Sorry, I think I forgot about it"
Subaru soon entered the house as well.
Subaru:"Oh, it seems like everyone is gathered. Sorry I'm late"
Felix:"Shu-nii, what's the decision from the FBI and other intelligence agencies?"
Subaru:"It reminds me of when you were kids, you and Masumi often called me that"
Felix:"Ah, sorry. Meeting Masumi earlier made me remember our childhood"

Subaru:"I've shared all the information from you with the FBI and other intelligence agencies, and they're willing to help"
Conan:"I also contacted Inspector Megure and Amuro, the police and NPA are ready to help us"
Heiji:"The Osaka police are also ready to help anytime"
Kaito:"Akako and Hakuba are also ready to assist"
Felix:"Good, Vermouth is still on our side. With this, we can devise a plan to take them down"
They then discussed all the information they had and tried to come up with a plan, but they still didn't have a strong strategy to defeat the organization.

After they finished discussing, they returned to their respective places, leaving only Conan and Felix in Professor's house. Felix glanced at his phone for a moment.
Felix:"I just received a message from Masumi. She said Shiho is fine, she's just tired and has to stay one night in the hospital"
Conan:"Thank goodness. I feel like I always have to keep an eye on her. The moment I look away, she ends up like that"
Felix:"Isn't that just her nature?"
Felix:"Can you take me to Shiho's lab? I want to see the antidote she made"
They both then went to the lab downstairs, and Felix immediately looked at Haibara's computer.

Felix:"Hmm, interesting"
Felix:"Shinichi, can I ask for a small blood sample from you?"
Felix:"I want to see how this antidote reacts"
Without hesitation, Conan gave his blood sample to Felix, and Felix began to analyze it.
Felix:'Just as I suspected, this doesn't look good'
Felix then tried to create a better antidote formula. Although he worked all night, he only managed to make slight improvements in the formula.
Felix:"Sorry, Shinichi, it seems we will need quite a longer time to create the perfect antidote"
Conan:"It's okay, we'll use the time we have. Didn't you say that if we rush, we'll end up losing?"
Felix:"You're right"

They then went to the kitchen to make coffee while waiting for Haibara and Masumi to return.
Conan:"Felix, can I ask you something?"
Felix:"I won't answer if you ask about Masumi or anything like that"
Conan:"It's not about that. I want to ask about the martial arts moves you used when you were captured by the assassin yesterday"
Conan:"Wasn't that a move from pencak silat? A martial art style from Indonesia?"
Felix:"I am indeed from Indonesia. I haven't mentioned that, have I?"
Conan:"No, you've never said anything about yourself"

Conan:"You didn't even tell us your real name"
Felix:"My real name? I've changed names so often that I've forgotten my real one"
Felix:"The only name that has stuck with me is Falcø, known as the name of the most dangerous assassin"
They both fell silent for a moment while sipping their coffee, then Conan asked again.
Conan:"By the way, how close are you to Sera?"
Felix:"I told you not to ask about Masumi"
Conan then burst out laughing.

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