Case 18: How to Give Chocolate to the Guy You Like on Valentine's Day

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How to Give Chocolate to the Guy You Like on Valentine's Day


1. Mouri Ran

Ran keeps watching Shinichi from her seat, holding a package of chocolate under her desk. When the bell for lunch break rings, Ran immediately approaches Shinichi.
Ran:"Come with me"
Ran pulls Shinichi to a quiet place. She then hands him a package of handmade chocolate.
Ran:"Happy Valentine's Day"
Shinichi smiles and accepts the chocolate.
Shinichi:"Thank you, Ran, but why are you giving it to me in a place like this?"
Ran:"Well, you know, giving love chocolate in front of everyone is a bit embarrassing"

Shinichi:"Ah, I understand"
Ran:"And also, I want to continue our conversation from yesterday"
Shinichi:"Sorry, Ran, but can we talk about that some other time? I promise I'll tell you someday, but not now"
Ran initially wants to refuse, but she can't and only nods.
Shinichi:"Once again, thank you for the chocolate"
Shinichi then leaves Ran. Not long after, he hears Felix's voice.
Felix:"I think you should resolve your issues with Ran as soon as possible"
Shinichi:"I know"
Shinichi is startled, then looks for the source of the voice and finds Felix just coming out of the restroom.

Shinichi:"What are you doing here?"
Felix:"What do you think I was doing in a restroom?"
Shinichi:"Did you hear my conversation with Ran?"
Felix:"I overheard it, that's a bad place to give Valentine chocolate if you ask me"
Shinichi:"I agree"
The two then laugh and head to the cafeteria.

2. Koizumi Akako

Akako is walking home with Kaito, carrying a basket borrowed from school to help Kaito hold all the chocolates he received. Suddenly, in the middle of the walk, Akako hands Kaito a package.
Akako:"Kaito-kun, here"
Kaito:"What's this?"
Akako:"Of course it's chocolate for you, what else would it be?"
Kaito looks at Akako with a doubtful and worried expression.
Kaito:"Um... "
Akako notices Kaito's gaze and then smiles.
Akako:"Don't worry, it's just a normal chocolate, I didn't put anything dangerous in it"
Kaito then smiles and gladly accepts the chocolate.
Akako:"Did you get any chocolate from Nakamori-san?"
Kaito:"I haven't seen Aoko today, maybe later tonight"

3. Miyano Shiho

Just like Akako and Kaito, Shiho and Shinichi are also walking home together. Shinichi is also carrying a basket borrowed from school to hold all the chocolates he received.
Shiho:"What are you going to do with all of that chocolates?"
Shinichi:"I'll give it to the agents at my house"
Shiho:"Are you serious? Those chocolates is from your fans, you know"
Shinichi:"Of course I'm serious, you didn't seriously think I'd eat all of this by myself, right?"
Shinichi:"Besides, I'm sure Kaito and the others will do the same"
Shiho:"True "
Shiho then falls silent for a moment, thinking, and then smiles.
Shiho:"Shinichi, if you got chocolate from me, would you also give it to the agents at your house?"

Shinichi laughs at Shiho's question.
Shinichi:"That's a good joke, Shiho. If I got chocolate from you, I'd eat it very happily"
Shiho:"Then, this is for you"
Shiho hands Shinichi a package of chocolate, then immediately runs off to Agasa Hakase's house. Shinichi stands there, shocked and amused.
On the other hand, Shiho's face is bright red, and there's a beautiful smile on her lips.
Shiho:'Yes, I managed to give it to him'

4. Sera Masumi

Unlike their friends, Masumi and Felix are still in the classroom, looking at the pile of chocolate packages in front of them.
Felix:"Now, how am I supposed to carry all of this?"
Masumi:"I can help you carry half of it"
Felix:"Really? Thanks"
The two then carry the chocolates to Felix's hideout. It takes them quite a while since the hideout is far from the school.
Masumi:"Ah, finally here"
Felix:"Thanks again, Masumi"
Masumi:"You're welcome"
Felix then holds out his hand to Masumi.
Felix:"Now, where is it?"
Masumi:"Where's what?"
Felix:"Your chocolate, I haven't gotten any from you today"
Masumi:"But you've got so much chocolate already"
Felix:"For me, your chocolate is the most special one"

Masumi's face turns red upon hearing that, and she gives Felix a package of chocolate.
Felix:"Thank you"
Masumi:"well, I'll head home now"
Felix:"Wait, can you stay here tonight?"
Felix:"Please, just for tonight"
Masumi:"Um, alright, I'll let mama know first"


That night, Shinichi was eating chocolate from Shiho at Hakase's house after giving his chocolates to the agents at his house.
Shiho:"So, how did the agents react to the chocolates?"
Shinichi:"They looked really happy, it seems like they never received chocolate on Valentine's Day"
The two of them then laughed together. Not long after, Kaito and Akako entered the house.
Shiho:"Hi, what brings you two here?"
Kaito:"We just came from Shinichi's house to give the chocolates I got to the agents there, then they said you two were here, so we decided to stop by"
Shinichi immediately laughed upon hearing that.
Shinichi:"I knew it!"
They then chatted for a while, and before long Saguru, Eisuke, and Heiji entered the house.
Kaito:"Hi, what brings you guys here?"
Saguru:"Same reason as you and Shinichi coming here"
They all laughed again.

Not long after, Subaru entered the house.
Subaru:"I'm glad you care about my people, but could you not give them too much chocolate?"
Shinichi:"Oh, that's nothing, just wait until Felix comes and brings the chocolate he got"
Subaru:"But Felix won't be coming here tonight"
Subaru:"Masumi called me and said Felix asked her to stay over at his house, looks like they want to spend the night together"
Kaito:"Did she say what they'll be doing?"
Subaru immediately grinned.

Subaru:"I don't know"
Shinichi and the others immediately understood and grinned as well.
All:"~Hmm, I wonder what they're doing?"
The next day, Felix and Masumi didn't come to school, citing illness.
Shinichi & co:'Seriously, what did they do?'
Meanwhile, at Felix's house, Felix and Masumi were lying in Felix's bed, surrounded by empty chocolate boxes scattered on the floor around the bed.
Masumi:"Felix, I just realized something, even if you got a lot of chocolates, you didn't have to eat them all in one night"
Felix:"I just realized that too, sorry for the trouble"

Masumi:"Don't worry about it"
Masumi:"And next year, I'll make you something other than chocolate"
Felix:"Thank you, if I get this much chocolate again next year, will you help me finish it again?"
Masumi:"No problem as long as it's not all in one night"
Masumi:"And you'll have to take responsibility if I get fat"
Felix:"Don't worry, I love you just the way you are, so you don't need to be afraid"
Masumi:"Thank you, I love you just the way you are too"
Masumi:"By the way, what time is it now?"
Felix then took his phone to check the time.
Felix:"9 in the morning"
Masumi:"Oh no, we're already late for school"
Felix:"Ugh, I feel like if I move, I'll throw up, so I'll just take the day off"
Masumi:"Can you ask for permission for me too?"
After asking for permission, the two of them then slept side by side.

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