Case 33: The Last Battle

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Shinichi and his friends had returned to Tokyo, and now everyone had gathered at the Kudo residence, including police from all regions, NPA, FBI, CIA, MI6, BIN, INTERPOL, BND, and many more. Even Mouri Kogoro, Furuya Rei, Hondou Hidemi, and Vermouth were there, somehow sneaking out from the organization's headquarters. 
Shinichi:"Thank you all for gathering here today" 
Shinichi:"I believe everyone here has had issues with the Black Organization in one way or another" 
Shinichi:"But, you all still failed to destroy the organization, which is why we have gathered you all to work together with us" 

Felix:"Shinichi, can you just get to the point?" 
Felix:"We are all here to discuss a plan to destroy the Black Organization once and for all" 
Felix:"Thanks to the help from some people, we finally located the organization's main headquarters, but we can't take them down alone, which is why we need all of your assistance" 
Felix:"If you don't trust me and want to try attacking them alone, feel free to leave and give it a shot" 
Felix:"I've tried it twice, and it nearly got me killed" 
Felix:"For those willing to cooperate, stay here and let's discuss this plan together" 

Felix waited for a moment, and not a single person left the room. 
Felix:"Good, now let's get started" 
They all gathered around Felix and his friends to share their opinions and plans. Shinichi grumbled a bit when Felix started his discussion. 
Shinichi:"If you can be the leader, why didn't you just step up in the first place?" 
Felix:"Sorry, sorry" 
They all then discussed plans and prepared various other things. Once they were confident everything was perfect, they decided to take a break before heading to Tottori. 

Shinichi and his friends were preparing their gear in a different room. Kaito was wearing his Kaito Kid costume, and Felix was dressed as Falcø while the others just wore standard bulletproof gear. 
Heiji:"Kaito, are you sure you want to wear that? It feels a bit weird for a thief to join this fight" 
Kaito:"Whatever, Kaito Kid is my identity, I'll feel more confident wearing this" 
Heiji:"Suit yourself" 
They all laughed, not because they weren't scared, but to bolster each other's spirits. Except for Felix, who didn't laugh and instead looked gloomy while gripping his mask. Masumi noticed this and approached Felix. 

Masumi:"Are you okay?" 
Felix:"Yeah, it's just that this will be the last time I become Falcø" 
Felix:"I hope, after all this is over, I can be free" 
Masumi then held Felix's hand while smiling. 
Masumi:"Don't worry, you're not alone, we are all here with you" 
Felix then returned Masumi's smile. 
Felix:"Thank you" 
Felix then steeled himself and put on his mask. 
Felix:"Let's go" 
After all their preparations were complete, they immediately headed to Tottori. Since they were all using a jet, it didn't take long for them to reach the Tottori area. 

When they were close to the Black Organization's headquarters, Felix launched a drone to survey the area around the base. 
Shinichi:"Wow, the security is really tight" 
Akako:"True, it's as if they know we're going to attack this place" 
Heiji:"Not just the security, but the surveillance system is almost impenetrable; honestly, this feels like a mission impossible" 
Kaito:"Heiji, nothing is impossible in this world; by the way, Felix, how can your drone get in unnoticed?" 
Felix:"My drone has stealth technology, so as long as I don't use it to attack, they won't notice it" 
Shiho:"Can you guys stop chatting?" 
Shiho:"Felix, have you found the server room?" 

Felix:"Yes, and that's not all, take a look" 
His friends looked at the screen Felix pointed to, and they saw the place where Gin, Vodka, Rum, and even Karasuma were located. 
Shuichi:"Oh, how lucky, with this we don't have to waste time looking for them" 
Felix:"Yosh, I've taken control of the server" 
Felix:"And with this, the plan begins" 
Felix then used his drone to shoot at the organization members; he also tried to kill key members but only succeeded in killing Vodka. He couldn't shoot Gin's face because it was blocked by a wall, while Rum and Karasuma were in a bulletproof room. 

Felix activated the alarms inside the headquarters to draw the attention of the members outside, and he also fired some missiles to make them come inside. When he was sure enough had gathered, he blew up his drone as it ran out of ammo. 
Felix:"Looks like that's all I could take down with my drone" 
Mary:"No problem, that was very helpful" 
At that moment, everyone who didn't know Felix well thought the same thing. 
All:'Wow! This kid is really dangerous'
After that, they all charged into the headquarters, leaving some people to act as snipers and assist them from afar. 

As Shinichi and the others stormed into the headquarters, the remaining organization members didn’t look surprised at all and immediately opened fire on them. In a room several floors above, Rum was speaking with Karasuma. 
Rum:"Boss, it seems the police and various intelligence agencies are attacking our headquarters" 
However, Karasuma didn't seem worried at all and even smiled. 
Karasuma:"Let them think they can win against us" 
Karasuma:"We already knew sooner or later they would attack; we have prepared to fight back" 

Karasuma:"Quickly activate the traps and the headquarters' defense system; kill them all" 
Rum:"Understood, boss" 
Karasuma:"It's a pity that Bourbon, Kir and Vermouth are on their side, but don't hesitate to take them down; those traitors deserve to die" 
Rum then ordered his men to activate the headquarters' defense system. Karasuma then laughed heartily. 
Karasuma:"Ah, the government dogs, I feel sorry that you have to die like this" 
Karasuma:"But this is all your own fault" 
Shinichi and his friends had reached the fifth floor, where they saw various traps that had already killed unfortunate organization members who failed to avoid them. 

The traps included machine guns positioned at the end of the hallway shooting anyone in front of them, chainsaws suddenly coming out from walls, floors, and ceilings, and highly dangerous poison that could be fatal if inhaled, among many others. Not only on the fifth floor but there were many different traps on every floor. 
Masumi:"I know they're bad people, but this is too cruel" 
Shiho:"I agree; they shouldn't die like this" 
Felix:"I think they deserve this" 
Felix:"But I can't bear to let them keep suffering even if they're already dead" 
Felix then hacked and shut down the defense system. 
Felix:'Karasuma, it turns out you're much worse than I imagined; I swear I will kill you here'

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