Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

TW Discussion about abortion, teenage pregnancy, violence

Marjorie's POV

"What do you want to talk to me about?" I ask Reece

I can see the pain in his eyes "I'm guessing the A&E Dr has told you my medical history, as I had put you as my next of kin and medical proxy?"

"Yeah, he did" he replied

"I will understand if you want to leave me?"

"WHAT!!! I'm not going to leave you Marjorie, I just wish you had told me"

"You must understand, it took me years to bury all the memories of what happened to me, it's bad enough that every few years I must give another statement when the police investigating my stepfather and his friend, when they find another girl, they have abused. I just couldn't talk about it.... did he tell you about my baby daughter?" I asked him

He took my hand and replied "Yes, I can't believe that happened, do you know who adopted your little girl?" he asked

"I called her Stevie, after Stevie Nicks, my mum said that was a stupid name, but that's what the midwives put on her details after I gave birth Stevie Van Gould, I don't know who adopted her, my parents would never tell me, she would be 21 now, I do wonder sometimes where she is, and what she is doing with her life, does she know she was adopted and that I didn't want to give her up, but I wasn't able too"

"There is something else the Dr told me.... Marjorie your pregnant, about 10 weeks along"

I can't believe what Reece has just told me" What? I'm pregnant"

"Yes gorgeous, I think we conceived the night we were star gazing; I seem to remember we ended up undressed at some point" he replied

I remember that night, the northern lights had been visible, and Reece wanted to see them, so we went camping overnight and we did more than look up at the sky.

"I will understand if you don't want to keep the baby"

I look at him in total shock "I'm not getting an abortion, I'm keeping the baby, it is meant to be, if it has got through what has happened to me." I replied

"Okay babe, it is settled we are going to be parents" I smiled

"Well, we already have a 17-year-old" I added

Reece looked at me, "Yeah we do don't we" I looked at him and was crying he then handed me an envelope, in it was documentation he had signed every page, it was the papers stating he would be Carly's foster father, further back were adoption papers already for when the time was right, and we would adopt Carly. I looked back at him. "I was going to show you these papers and this" He handed me a small red velvet box, I opened it, inside was an engagement ring, it was platinum, with a large diamond, surrounded by 2 small diamonds "Marjorie Van Gould, I love you, will you marry me?" he asked

"Oh my god yes......yes I will, I love you too" I replied.

Carly will be so happy, the reason she is at Charlotte and Mia's this weekend is so I can talk to you about fostering her, you have gone ahead and done it, I love you babe"

"I love you too"

Reece's POV

It's a week after the attempt on Marjorie's life

TW sexual abuse, violence, suicide and self-harm

She said yes....

I can't believe she said yes, Marjorie is going to be my wife, she is pregnant with my baby, we are Carly's foster parents, I can't wait to tell her that bit I haven't seen Carly all week as she has been at Marjorie's nursery and staying with Charlotte and Mia, the offer has been accepted on the bigger house, the only thing hanging over us is the attempt on Marjorie's life and the fact it was made to look like it was suicide. Marjorie had been in hospital for a week, she was recovering well, the baby was doing great, though we won't know if there will be any problems until later in the pregnancy, the tests have all been lined up and we have the appointment dates, I have them saved into the calendar on my phone, Marjorie feels ready for visitors other than me, Vicky and Vivian. So, I'm on my way to collect Carly, she has been staying with Charlotte and Mia this week, as Sorsha and Clodagh have gone to visit family in Ireland so baby Quinn can meet her aunties, uncles and cousins.

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