Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter 21

Marjorie's POV

I stood looking at Reece "When did you get them? "I asked

"I got Stevie to get them for me, she works at Anfield, so she went to the store, don't worry I sent her the money" Reece replied

I shook my head, "You are unbelievable, I bet you have asked her to get you match tickets as well" I put my hands on my hips and looked at him.

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek "Well I do have a business trip to Liverpool in a few weeks to two birds one stone"

"Oh, great so I'm here with the twins whilst you go up to Liverpool for the weekend, get drunk and watch the match" I was trying not to get annoyed I could feel the rage inside of me

I looked at Siobhan and Viv "I'm sorry I didn't mean to have this discussion in front of you both", I got the twins, who were asleep in their car seats, then looked at Reece "Come on these two will be waking up soon for their next feed" I walked out to towards the car.

Siobhan and Viv waved us off, the drive home was in complete silence. As we got on the driveway, Kate was just starting to wake up, I got her out of her seat and Reece got Jack, I walked up to the music room, I sat in my rocking chair and started to feed Kate, Reece walked in put Jack in his baby chair and walked towards the door, he stopped at the record player and put Fleetwood Mac Rumors album on. "I will go and make a cup of tea"

I didn't answer him, I was too upset. I fed Kate, we had a changing station in the room too, so I changed her, and she went to sleep in her baby chair, I had to wake Jack up to get him to feed, he latched on and I sat back down and fed him, then once he had finished I changed him and he fell asleep on his baby chair. I was sitting looking at the twins, when I felt Reece put his hands on my shoulders.

"Can I speak now?" he asked

I stood up I motioned for him to sit down, I sat on his lap and nuzzled into his neck "I'm sorry I got annoyed"

"Babe, the trip to Liverpool isn't business.... I was going to surprise you, but I will have to tell you. I have asked Siobhan and Viv to have the twins that weekend, and I'm going to take you to Liverpool, along with Vicky and Laura, you can spend time with Stevie, me and Vicky can go and watch the football, Laura has to see someone at The Royal whilst we are up there, then Stevie can show us the Liverpool night life. The match we are going to is Friday night, I have got theater tickets for you and Laura that night"

I stayed cuddling into Reece's neck I inhaled his scent he, this is my safe space, being as close to him as possible. The noise in my head disappears when I cuddle into him, I put my reaction earlier down to the fact that the twins wouldn't settle all day for me, I am thinking about placing them at Charlotte's nursery when they are 6 months old, and maybe going back to work, I will chat to Reece about it another day.

"Let's get these two into bed, I could do with having a night in front of the tv"

"You got and put the twins to bed, I will run us a bath, then we can relax and watch tv"

"That sounds like a plan" I replied

I carefully pick Kate up first and take her to the nursery where she settles to bed, I go back for Jack and carefully pick him up and put him to bed. As I leave the nursery Reece comes out of our bedroom "Your bath awaits you"

"Why thank you sir"

I walk into our bedroom and as I walk through, I take my clothes off, I'm standing there naked, Reece is looking me up and down then he notices I have added to my rose tattoos on my thighs, there are now 4 red roses, he looked at it then asked "When did you add them, and what do they represent?"

"I got them when you took the twins to visit Autumn and Winter, the other day and the roses represent you, Carly, Kate and Jack, my family"

"They are beautiful, just like you.... Now let's get in the bath" he says as he strips off and pulls me into our bathroom 

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