Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N It's jumped ahead a month, the trial of Marjorie's stepfather is coming up, Reece has a surprise for Marjorie as well.

Chapter 25

Reece's POV

It's only Wednesday and I'm already done with this week, the twins have been fussing a lot they have started teething, Marjorie is stressing over the trial of her stepfather, that is due to start in a couple of weeks, she is going to have to relive what happened to her, she finally told me everything on Saturday night, everything that happened to her from the age of 10 until she left home for university at 18. The whole thing was horrific how can something like that happen to such a beautiful woman. I'm working out of Marjorie's nursery with Siobhan as there is a bug doing the rounds, and a lot of the staff are off with it, so Sorcha is working in the rooms, I'm staring off into space when I'm aware of Siobhan speaking to me

"REECE...... REECE hey, what's wrong, you seem to be a million miles away?"

"What? Sorry I have got a lot on my mind"

"Are the twins, okay?"

"They have started teething, they are fussing a little bit, it's Marjorie, she got a phone call last week, the trial of her stepfather has been brought forward, it's in a couple of weeks, on Saturday whilst we were watching tv, she finally told me everything that happened to her, I couldn't believe what she told me, I'm so fucking angry." I replied

"I know, when I lived with her at university, we decided one weekend not to go out, we sat and talked, and we told each other about our childhoods, I thought mine was bad with my religious upbringing, and my parents sending me away to "pray away the gay" that was nothing compared to Marjorie, and the fact her mother knew about it too made it worse" she replied

"What happened with you and Marjorie as I realize now you were best friends once, if you don't mind me asking?"

"If I'm going to be honest, I happened to Marjorie and myself, we started at the nursery at the same time, which was great, then the deputy manager's position came up, we both applied for it, Marjorie got the job, I was moved to room leader, I was so jealous of her as she was getting ahead, then when the manager left and Marjorie stepped up to manager she asked me to be her deputy manager, I refused and went to the sister nursery. Your father then started to get his claws into me, and the rest is history."

"Now you are friends again?"

"Yes, although we haven't had the clear the air chat yet, which I know we will, we are friends again. I mean she is letting me, and Viv look after the twins, and she has asked us to be God parents, which I'm still shocked that she asked us, so I know my best friend is still there, I will always love Marjorie"

"She does have that effect on people, doesn't she, even Autumn, she is protective of her like a sister, we all need to be there for her over the next few weeks. I have been thinking and I will need your help, along with Viv, Vicky and Mia. I want to plan a second wedding, a big celebration, as we got married in the town hall, I want Marjorie to have the big day she deserves, will you help me plan it? Also, will you officiate?"

"Oh my god, that sounds wonderful and yes of course I will officiate"

"Great, I'm going to ask Charlotte and Autumn to keep her distracted whilst we plan the wedding, and find out what dress she would wear"

"She is going to love it"

We get back to work for the rest of the morning, then we hear a tap on the door standing there is Marjorie with the twins "They were missing daddy so we thought we would bring you some lunch, then wonder if you fancy coming for a walk with us?"

I get up from the desk and go over to Marjorie and I scoop her up in my arms and kiss her,

"I would love to come for lunch with you"

"Why don't you take the rest of the day? I can look after things here," said Siobhan

"Are you sure?"

"Yes go, enjoy your time with your family, just one condition"

"What's that?" I asked

"I get tomorrow off, Viv has a day off tomorrow, Jamie is at a sleepover tonight, I would like to enjoy some adult time with my fiancé" she replied

Both me and Marjorie looked at her "What?"

Siobhan showed us her engagement ring "Oh my god Siobhan the ring is beautiful" screamed Marjorie

Then she hit me on the arm "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Eh what I didn't know"

"You didn't see the ring?"

"No, I didn't"

"Oh Reece"

"Hey us blokes don't notice these things, anyway congratulations, and yes take tomorrow off, go and spoil Viv, she is an amazing person"

I wrap my arm around Marjorie's waist, and we head over to the park, the twins were asleep in the pram, we sat down at the bench by the duck pond, we had our lunch then sat and enjoyed the warm sun and the fresh air, I kissed Marjorie on the side of her head

"What was that for?" she asked

"Can't I give my beautiful and sexy wife a kiss?" I asked

Marjorie rested her head on my shoulder she let out a sigh "Hey what's the matter?"

"Do you think any less of me after what I told you on Saturday"

I couldn't believe what she just asked me, I pulled her onto my lap, and I kissed her, then pulled her into my chest.

"I will never think any less of you, you were a child, you needed protection from your mother, and she didn't, she only thought about herself, you had a child at 15, that was taken away from you. Then things got worse, but somehow you were strong enough to get away, and you built a life for yourself, you may not realize it, it's you that is the center of everyone's life. Vicky, Laura, Charlotte, Carly, Siobhan, even Mia. Autunm looks and protects you like a sister and as for me, if you weren't around, I wouldn't be able to breathe let alone function.

Marjorie pulls me in for a kiss, she turns so she is now straddling me I can feel myself get hard, then the twins start to wake up.

"Wait until tonight, I'm going to ask Carly to listen out for the twins, I think you and I need some alone time" I said

Marjorie got off my lap and we walked home for a fun family afternoon with the twins.  

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