Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

I didn't try to kill myself

TW Sexual abuse, Grooming self-harm

Marjorie's POV

I wake up, I'm lying on a bed, I can hear bleeping and muffled voices I recognize both voices one is my friend Laura Anderson, she's a surgeon, the other voice is Vivian one of the mums from the nursery, she is a nurse, am I in hospital? I can hear music, my song for Reece "Breathe" by Faith Hill, I look around the room, Laura and Vivian are now looking at me, I hurt everywhere. "Where am I?" I ask

Vivian speaks first "You are in the critical care unit; do you remember what happened yesterday? And how you ended up here?"

"I remember getting home from work, I was still upset from the safeguarding meeting and seeing my mother. Then I went to get showered and wait I went into the kitchen and had a gin and tonic, I took some paracetamol as I had a headache, then I went to get showered and changed.... Then I woke up here."

"So, you don't remember what happened once you were in the bathroom and how you got here? Laura asked me

"No, I don't remember.... Where's Reece? I want to see him?"

"I'll go and get him," said Vivian

I watch Vivian Walk away and I try and remember what happened after I went upstairs to get a shower. I look at my wrists. My left hand has a splint on and feels more painful than the right wrist, that has a bandage on. I'm now sitting up I ask if I can have a drink. I'm allowed sips of water for now, then Reece walks in, he has been crying and I can tell he hasn't slept. He sits next to me and takes my hand then asks "Why? Why did you try and kill yourself?"


"I didn't try and kill myself" I add

"Oh babe, come on I saw you with my razor in your hand, blood everywhere you had cut your wrists" Reece was adamant

I close my eyes and take a deep breath "Babe, when I was self-harming and wanting to cause real damage to myself, I cut the top of my legs, I never cut my wrists, I always cut in the same area, if I was going to cut myself again it would of been my legs, NOT my wrists"

He was trying to process what I had just said, I never told him about my self-harming. "I know I should have told you about my childhood and my self-harming, I fought so hard to get my life back on track and forget about everything that I just didn't want to bring it up again...... But I didn't try to kill myself, please believe me babe"

I start to cry, I don't understand why Reece thought I had tried to kill myself, I have too much to live for.

I can tell he isn't sure then something pops into my head...." I remember after drinking my first Gin and Tonic I felt woozy. I thought it was because I had not really eaten and had a drink, what if my drink had been spiked"

"But how, there was no sign of a break in.... for your drink to be spiked someone would need to have been in your house, why would there be someone in your house?" Reece asked

"Get Vicky, she will tell you what I have had to put up with over the years, the threats everything"

Laura had gone to get Vicky; they walked into my room and Laura shut the door behind her.

Chapter Five

You must believe me

TW self-harm, sexual abuse, threats of violence

Vicky's POV

Laura has come round to get me "We need you in Marj's room, she is insisting she didn't try to kill herself, that if she was going to self-harm, she would have cut her legs, not her wrists" she tells me

"Well, she is right, whenever she cut herself, it was always her legs never her arms or wrists"

"I remember Marj telling me that if anyone was arrested and got as far as court then there is every chance they could come after her, as she has so much evidence of who is involved." I added

"I think they have tried to get at her, there is every chance they will try again, Marj is in danger SHIT, her bumping into her mum wasn't by accident I think she was being followed her mum asked if she was still working at the nursery? I added

I walked into Marj's room she looks a lot better than what I thought she would, "Hey you" I say

"When are you going to get up out of bed, you have been lounging around for long enough" "Marj looks at me but doesn't smile

"I think you will have to get the box I gave you; I think it's started, and they are coming after me"

"It's in my office in the safe at home, I will get it later, and bring everything to you, Marj I think you were being followed yesterday, bumping into your mum was no accident"

"Thank you, Vick's, fuck yeah, she was checking I was still at the nursery, why didn't I fucking realize" replied Marjorie

"Don't worry you are safe in here. Vivian adds

Everyone goes quiet the silence is weird and uncomfortable, to break it I say "You didn't tell me Shib's had come over to my side Marj"

"It wasn't my place to say plus it's still early days in her relationship with Vivian, here and from what I have seen, they are both very happy,

"Maybe we should have a couple's night, do you think your sexy bloke could put up with 5 women in his house and 4 of them went to university? I laugh

"We would need to invite Charlotte, Mia, Autumn, Winter, Sorcha and Clodagh as well"

"You need to get yourself better and we can have this couple's night then"

Marjorie smiled and agreed.

Reece POV

I'm sitting with my beautiful lady, still processing what she has said, and the fact that she is in danger, then I remember what the Dr told me about Marjorie giving birth to a girl at 15, and the fact that she is pregnant again.... this time with my baby. Does she want to have another baby, I really don't know what to do. I need to talk to someone.... but who?

Marjorie has dropped off to sleep, Vicky has gone home to get the information she has been keeping hold of. I feel my eyelids getting heavy I drop off to sleep, then I'm woken by being punched in the arm

"Big Brother" Autumn is standing over me

"Little sis" I reply

She hands me a caramel latte and sits down "What's wrong?" she asks

"It's stuff I have found out about Marjorie, I'm still going over everything especially about the pregnancies. I wish she could have told me"

"You must remember Marjorie was groomed and abused from the age of 10, then it got worse after she gave birth to a baby, she never got the chance to love, we both know how much love Marjorie has in her heart. She took years to bury the memories, and now they have come flooding back and now it looks like the old enemies are after her. I'm sure she will tell you everything, just give her time.... but she needs to know about being pregnant now, so she can decide what she wants to do?"

"What do mean, so she can decide what she wants to do? She is carrying my baby surely; I have some say in her decision?"

"You do, but at the end of the day Marjorie gets the final decision"

We sat there for a few minutes, then suddenly Marjorie is awake, she looks scared

"Hey babe, it's okay I'm here" I tell her as I take hold of her hand

" you believe me when I tell you I didn't try to kill myself" she asked me

I was still unsure, but I couldn't let her know that "yeah babe, yeah, I do.... but we do need to talk about something" I added

Autumn got up and left "I'll leave you too for a while, Marjorie would you like a coffee?"

Marjorie shakes her head and asks for a cup of tea instead.  

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