What we study: What drives unmet needs and unconscious desires?
What's new: What causes the emergence and growth of the internal "monster"?
What we will learn: What attitude towards love must be changed to overcome self-hatred?
1. Closely related to Freud's emphasis on unconscious processes was his belief in the determinism * of human behavior. The doctrine of psychological determinism suggests that all thoughts, emotions, and actions have a cause. Freud believed that not only are all psychological events causally determined, but that most of them are caused by unmet needs and unconscious desires (Atkinson R.L., et al. 2003) [1].
* Determinism is the cause-and-effect relationship of all psychological events (author's note).
2. Determinism of human behavior. What drives a human when he one day decides - "nothing extra!" and begins to cut back on his food and rest for the sake of his figure? Unfortunately, people often think that they make their choices under the influence of their consciousness only and can stop at any moment. However, the living stories of girls clearly show that this is a profound misconception (III fr. 6. 6–9). None of the listed girls were able to stop, except for Zasha Mamet, and even then with the help of her dad. Therefore, it is appropriate to pay attention to the underlying reason indicated by Sigmund Freud.
3. Unmet needs and unconscious desires. According to Freud, all psychological events, as in the case of the stories of the girls, the reasons for their diseases of nervous anorexia and nervous bulimia, "are caused by unmet needs and unconscious desires." In other words, their behavior, and therefore all their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions, set in motion a deeply hidden feeling inside. Zasha Mamet called it a "monster". Most likely, as a professional actor, Zasha has a sensory-figurative perception and therefore was able to so clearly feel her deeply hidden feelings in the integral image of a "monster" *. It is noteworthy that the concept of "monster" mainly carries the meaning of an imaginary something big, ugly, and frightening creature with an evil, cruel disposition **. Thus, unconscious desires arise from the great, unsatisfied needs of an evil monster, and which possess a human until they are satisfied. The behavior of the above-mentioned girls proves this. According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory of the human psyche, this monster is in the unconscious of a person and its behavior is causally determined. This means that there is a reason for the emergence of a monster with needs that require constant satisfaction. But how did the monster get this person? This process begins in early childhood.
* Zosia Mamet's story, opens up about her eating disorder. Glamour Magazine - September 2014. https://www.glamour.com/story/zosia-mamet-opens-up-about-her-eating-disorder
** Definition and meaning of monster. Collins English Dictionary. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/monster
4. The birth and growth of a monster. From the moment the fetus develops, a certain program of interaction between the child's body, its psyche, and the environment is laid down in the woman's body. After birth, it sleeps, drinks, eats, and moves according to its program, laid down in its unconscious. In the case of healthy heredity in a child, the program of the unconscious is harmonious and therefore promotes optimal growth, as well as psychical and physical health. Only interference in the child's program of the unconscious by ignorant parents and other societies in this process disrupts this harmony.
• "Psychical and emotional disorders associated with the peculiarities of nutrition during infancy and childhood, family and national eating habits, conditions of civilization, social status and others are important" (author's italics) (Baranovsky A.Yu. 2012) [2].
Very often, from childhood, the family environment, together with the social environment, lays in the unconscious child's program erroneous ideas about how much, when, what, and why one should sleep, drink, eat, and move. In addition, attitudes are laid about what kind of body can be considered "normal". Attitudes in moral judgments and beliefs. Attitudes of gender stereotypes, what one should become (profession), how much one should earn, where and how, etc. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, this is how parents show concern for their children due to their upbringing, understanding, and position in society. However, if parental upbringing and secular education do not correspond to the individual needs of their child, the natural harmony between the needs of the body and soul is violated. In such a case, a monster can be born in the soul, unconsciously fed by the human himself and the environment in which he lives.
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