Considering the impact of diet on physical, mental, and aesthetic well-being, the author sought to create a comprehensive picture of Dietetics - the art of living - through four books. However, as he wrote, it became clear that something important w...
What we are researching: What does "mood" mean, and what difficulties arise in defining it?
What's new: What two conditions influence a good mood?
What we will learn: What will we learn about the feelings that create a good mood, and what leads to depression?
1. Mood is associated with all the experiences of a person [an individual, ed., author] and is defined as a combination of individual psychical states, one of which, as a rule, dominates and gives a human's psychical activity a certain coloring (Ilyin E.P. 2018) [1].
2. "Of all the emotional phenomena [an incredible phenomenon in sensory experience, ed. author] mood is the most vague, foggy, almost mystical" (ibid.).
3. Mood and the sensory-emotional part of the psyche.Mood has a direct relation to the sensory-emotional part of the human psyche. However, with the concept of mood, there are difficulties in perceiving its essence, despite the seeming familiarity with it. Probably, this is the most pronounced word in human everyday speech. Nevertheless, from frequent pronunciation, the word mood has not become understandable [2]. Rather, on the contrary, it has distanced its perception as an important part of the psyche of any human:
• "Of all the emotional phenomena [an incredible phenomenon in sensory experience, author's ed.], the mood is the most uncertain, foggy, almost mystical" (italics author) (Ilyin E. P. 2018) [1].
Therefore, it is not surprising that the influence of mood is treated as a magic wand that produces miraculous changes in a human in a mystical (mysterious) way.
4. Mood as a magic wand. Undoubtedly, mood has a powerful influence on the human psyche and behavior. When mood appears, it means that a person is glowing and happy, desires and can, things are done and they are accompanied by success. When mood disappears, a person is gloomy and upset, does not want and cannot do anything, "hands drop" and things fall apart, there is no success. Despite the "knowledge" of numerous ways to "raise" the mood, the reasons for its mystical appearance and disappearance remain unclear. Some researchers of the science of mood consider it a "changing concept that is not easy to grasp" and that this "has always been a fundamental concept in the history of philosophy and medicine" [2].
5. The changing concept of "mood" that is not easy to grasp. In the wilds of the YouTube video service, a person comes across a melody performed by a symphony orchestra. A melody can improve his mood if he likes it, or it can worsen it if he doesn't like the melody. Something similar happens in our soul. The melody is created by the composer, that is, the human himself. The orchestra playing the melody is the feelings and emotions of the human. For his mood to be good, certain conditions are necessary. One of them is when his melody reflects his love for himself. Another condition is that the human himself likes the melody of love for himself.
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6. A human likes his love for himself. The word "like" means a set of psychical properties that have a moral or ethical orientation. Therefore, a human will like his melody only when his moral judgments with beliefs, consciousness, and conscience reflect a love for himself (V fr. 13. 14, 15; 15. 11).