Chapter 21. How to Love Yourself? Restoring Feelings and Emotions

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What we are exploring: How do suppressed feelings and emotions affect the body and why?

What's new: What and how can we do to restore suppressed feelings?

What we will learn: How can we learn to be aware of our spontaneous feelings and emotions?

1. The sad fate of repression increasingly befalls emotions as a class of phenomena of inner life, the most important and unchanging part of human nature (Kholmogorova A.B., Garanyan N.G. 1999) [1].

2. Like the six physical senses, our psyche contains figurative senses that help us react appropriately (emotionally) to the constantly changing external and internal world conditions. But because of inappropriate feelings imposed from the outside, as well as because of our own suppressed or repressed feelings, we need to restore them through changes in our unconscious processes (Author).

3. Repression of spontaneous feelings and emotions. The current state of affairs about emotions is given in one Russian psychotherapeutic journal in the article "Emotional Disorders and Modern Culture". In this article, scientists conclude that emotions, under the influence of modern culture, no longer constitute "the most important and unchanging part of human essence". Once upon a time, no matter under whose influence, a human suppressed his feelings and kept his emotions under strict control. Does this mean that now these feelings have disappeared without a trace and they no longer influence a human? Of course not. While a human is conscious, feelings and emotions always influence his perception, thinking, behavior, and his body [2]. For example, a person can experience feelings: of pleasure or displeasure; discomfort or satisfaction; anxiety or calm; joy or grief; fear or security; shame, guilt or self-respect; anxiety or confidence; disgust or pleasantness; love or hate, etc. In addition, between the polarity of these feelings, a human can experience a wide range of different shades and different combinations of these or those feelings. The most important thing to remember is that suppressed feelings always affect the body.

 The most important thing to remember is that suppressed feelings always affect the body

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4. Impact on the body. In modern medicine, a whole area has appeared called somatomorphic disorders, in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD - 10), they are designated by the symbol F45 - as a group of somatoform diseases *. The essence of diseases of this group of disorders is the displacement of suppressed feelings and emotions into the unconscious processes of a human, which then automatically affects the body or its individual parts in the form of painful sensations. Thus, due to the suppression of their spontaneous (adequate) feelings, they were displaced from the consciousness of a human and therefore are not realized by him. In other words, the connection between the feeling and the object (cause) of the occurrence of this feeling was lost. This means that when a human experiences some unpleasant sensation or pain, he cannot recognize the source of these sensations or pain. They can have either psychical causes or physical causes. In addition, if he still realizes their source, he will not be able to understand the reasons for the appearance of these feelings [2, 3]. This situation significantly complicates a person's life, creating the preconditions for the development of various psychical disorders and diseases that could have been avoided [1]. Let's consider two examples of repressed feelings — anxiety about one's health and sadness.

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