Leave it alone...

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Nialls POV

Harry asks Hannah if they are still on for tonight.

A date. 

I can't believe he would ask her on a date when he knows how i used to feel about her. I don't love her anymore. Yes, there is still feelings with her cause she is obviously amazing and perfect with all her flaws and she's an amazing best friend and i can't live my life without her and its been hard not talking to her cause i miss her so much.

Yeah I miss her and yes i have Ally. I love Ally. We spend more time together and each time is more amazing than the last. I think.

I jus don't like the thought of one of my best mates going on a date with my old love of my life.

I am not jealous. I think I'm not at least. 

I call Ally and i know I'm going to regret this later, but not right now so here i go!

"Hey Ally! I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me tonight?!" i asked quickly into the phone seeing its already 5:30! 

"Hi babe! I have some stuff to do but when would you think we could?" 

"Like, at 7?" I'm guessing when they are meeting. There is only one place that serves sandwiches and coffee in the same place. Its down in town square. Hannah and I would go there all the time junior year. That was our hang out place. That was the place i figured out i loved her. With one look i knew it.

"Niall?????" i hear breaking my thoughts.

"Did you hear me? I said that sounds great babe!" 

"Okay ill pick you up at like 6:45!" i say before she hangs up. I now regret this. Whatever. I go upstairs and pull out my phone and text Liam asking for some advice.

*Hey Liam its me, I need some advice from you*

*Hey Ni, i actually can't talk right now, i have Izzy over to distract my cousin cause he wouldn't leave me alone. Now i got to go. Ill call you later today?*

i huff and text back.

*Yeah sure!  Have fun*

I miss Izzy. Every time i would go over, she would run up to me and hug me and sometimes she would kiss my cheek. I miss Hannah. We don't talk like, ever. We really only ever talk if we have to. I am excited for my date with Ally, but I'm even more excited for Friday to see Hannah. WHAT?! I shouldn't be thinking that! Wow i need to get ready so i can think about something different...

(later, 6:40)

I just finish getting my hair in the way i want it. I have to look good for my date to make Hannah jealous. HUH?!?!?! I really need to stop.

I pull out my car and drive over to Ally's house. She walks out and he's wearing her hair up, with maroon shorts and a black flow crop top. She looks beautiful. She gets into my car and i pull away.

"Hey Ni!" she says kissing my cheek.

"Hey baby! How was your day?" 

"It was fine. But in 4th period! This one girl........" i stop listening cause my thoughts are drowning with Hannah  and Harry and how they will start dating and they will kiss and hang out more than we ever did and how she will tell him everything about herself and he will notice how she sticks her tongue out when she is focused on something. And how she squints her eyes when she laughs and how she claps her hands when she thinks something is really funny. And how amazing her voice is when she sings with you. 


"What?" My thoughts are interrupted by my girlfriend who is kind of annoying right now.

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