See you in a different time

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Hannahs POV

I wake up to find myself alone in my bed. I sit up still thinking about last night. Harry and I kissed. 

I laugh to myself at the thought. Its amazing last night was the worst yet the best night ever. I am finally over Niall and very proud of myself for that.

My thoughts are interrupted by laughing downstairs. I look at the clock and its 6:45. School doesn't start until 9 so i guess Harry is down stairs with Izzy. I get up and walk downstairs to see Harry picking Izzy up and tickling her. She is laughing so hard, no sound is coming from her mouth. Harry sees me and puts her down and i finally notice he is wearing a shirt. Dang it. 

I walk over to Izzy and i pick her up and hold her. Se hugs me back and pulls away so we are facing each other and she starts talking.

"Hannah! You should've been awake earlier! Harry and i woke up at the same time and we came down here and he thought it would be cute if we made you breakfast in bed! So i pulled out the orange juice and i dropped it on accident but its okay! Harry cleaned it up and I pulled out the pancake batter and i didn't drop that so i am proud of myself. And then we made you chocolate chip pancakes! I know thats your favorite and you don't get them enough and Harry helped me and i like him." she says as i put her down and she walks over to Harry.

"I like him!" she says pulling on his pants.

"Good cause i like him too!" i say without thinking and he looks at me and he smiles. Gosh i keep embarrassing myself in front of him!

"Well thats good cause i like you too!" he says pulling my lower back and he kisses me. My heart fills with joy when he does that!

"Okay Hannah, go sit down on the couch and turn the tv on. Its Thursday morning so there will be a new Little Einstein's!" Izzy says and i walk over laughing and turn the tv on. She is right. There is a new episode. When she Hears the theme song she comes over with my orange juice and Harry actually  brings the food. There is 7 pancakes and i look over at Harry and he already knows what I'm going to say.

The breakfast is so good! 

"Thanks you too! This tastes so good!" I say putting more in my mouth.

After breakfast, Izzy goes and gets ready for school and Harry and i go back upstairs and sit on my bed. Its 7 so i decide to take a shower. 

"Harry, can you pick out my outfit?" i say cause i need to shave my legs so that will take awhile! 

"I would be honored Hannah! THE Hannah Jo will be wearing an outfit i picked out! I am more than happy right now!" he says walking over to the closet. 

I step into the shower and it feels so good. I love feeling clean! 

(30 minuets later)

I am finally done with shaving and showering so i step into my room and see Harry shirtless again and he looks so good. He turns around and says something but i didn't make it out.

"Huh?" i say walking over to him.

"I said, how was your shower?" he asked closing the closest door.

"Fine you perv.." i say and he swats my arm and we both start laughing. 

"I was just wondering my feelings are really hurt right now. I think I'm gonna go hang with Izzy cause I'm hurt so much!" he pretends to cry.

"Oh by the way your outfit is on the bed!" he says pointing over to my maroon shorts and white bro tank and grey high tops. It actually doesn't look that bad! 

"Thanks Harry! Dont look!" i say and put on the outfit. 

"can i look now!? Its been like 5 minuets girl!" he says sarcastically.

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