Day 7: Lets go for a Hike

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Hannahs POV

Harry woke me up at 5 am, just go to walk this stupid hike.

I am no nature girl. Yeah, the beach rocks, but thats all I interact with outside of my house.

"Harry, where are you taking me?" I ask, stepping into the car after he dragged me out of bed to get ready. I couldn't even get dressed without some help from Harry.

I step into the car, buckling my seat belt around my waist. He pulls out of the driveway, not answering me.

"Harry, where are we going?" I ask leaning on his shoulder.

"Hiking, I told you this babe" he says, caressing my hair, making my fall asleep.

I huff, turning myself to look out the window. I don't want to hike...

I check my Instagram on my phone, pulling up the many comments on all my photos. I decide not to read them, only from the hurtful comments last time.

I scroll through my feed, seeing Clair with her mom on her page, I miss her. Its only been a week since her funeral but, I miss her.

"Here" Harry says, pulling into a parking spot. I look up from my phone and see the most beautiful waterfall. It looks very high up!

"How steep is it?" I ask, grabbing the back pack from the back seat.

"I don't know. But i heard it takes a long time! So, this is going to be fun!" He says stepping out of the car, tying his hair back into a small pony tail. His hair isn't long enough to put into a bun, which makes me happy!

We walk up the the starting point, me stopping in my tracks.

"Whats the hold up Hannah?" He asks, stopping his way to the water fall.

"Its really steep babe..." I say, looking up and down from where I am standing, to where the water fall starts.

"I know, but we can do this! We only have 7 days to do couple stuff until I am gone for 6 moths..." He looks down at his hands, I look to him, knowing he is guilting me to do this.

"And we won't see each other for a long time..." He continues, walking towards me. I cross my arms, rolling my eyes.

"And I love you and I want to send my last 6 days with my girl doing fun stuff" I look into his eyes, with a stunned look.

"6 days?" I say as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"I have to spend a day with my family, but the other days I am with you" He says, pulling my up to his lips, latching our lips together, making my stomach have butterflies.

We separate, having Harry smirking down at me, making my ears feel like they are on fire. I look up to him, and roll my eyes.

"Fine. Lets go before it gets to dark dummy" I say, walking in front of him. He chuckles, but finds his way up to me, walking my speed up the very steep hill.

(20 minutes later)

I am out of breath, my body is covered in a think layer of sweat, my hair is probably dripping wet and I feel like I am going to pass out.

"Babe, can we take a break?" I cry out, falling onto my butt, pulling out the 2 bottles of water for him and I. I hand it to him and he takes it from my hand, opening the cap. He brings the bottle to his plump lips, drinking the water.

I stand up, walking over to him, throwing my arm up, smacking the water bottle out of his grip, having the entire bottle spill all over him. I stand back, laughing harder then intended. He turns to me with his soaking wet shirt and face.

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