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Chapter 12: Bullying

Niall's POV


When we wake up the next morning it was Thursday which meant we had school! It's only the 3rd month of school and I already want to punch a tree!

"Come on Hannah! We got to goooo!"

"Holy your butt Niall I'm moving as fast as I can!"

She finally comes down in her white shirt and her hair in a pony tail and flower jeans. So looked really pretty.

"Wow Hannah. You look great!"

"Umm... Thank you?"

"Not in that kind of way. I meant--"

"I know what you mean Niall. Calm down. So are we going?"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

We get to our school South East High School and we walk into the front doors and people are laughing and pointing at Hannah.

"Niall why are people laughing at me? DO I LOOK WEIRD?"

"No Hannah you look fine. I don't know why."

We walk up to her locker and there's something on her locker door. It says

'Go on the school website to hear me sing!'

"Oh my gosh! Niall!"

"Who wrote this?"

"I don't know. Go on the school website now!"

We go on the website to have a video of Hannah when she was about 15 years old of her singing.

'Hey guys! So I'm Hannah Jo. You can call me Jo. So I will be singing before he cheats.'

'Right now he's probably dancin with bleach blonde tramp and she's probably gettin fresky'

And this was when her voice always cracked so it was very embarrassing.

"Niall I deleted this video on my computer! How did anybody find this?" He voice sounded like she was about to hit someone.

"First, who did this?"

"Niall if I knew the person would be dead by now!"

"Okay okay."

This rest of the day people made fun of her. And later that day we went back on the website, and found a paper. It was all her personal information.

'Hannah Jo.

Favorite color is red.

Hate the color yellow.

My phone number is 671-279-6892

Address is 1395 lake view rd.


I love to sing. I love to dance. My dad is always playin soccer with me.


When my family calls me names and parents always fight. '

She threw her phone on the ground and ran out of the school. I ran after her and I grabbed her shoulder and she turned around and she freaked out

"Who got all of this! What is up!?"

"I don't know Hannah! Calm down!"

"Niall! I can't! Your the only person who knows my family called me names! And treated me bad!"

"Come back into school."

We walked into school and people where now looking at her like she killed their dogs. They where whispering but I couldn't hear anything. We kept walking down the hall and more people where giving her the evil glare. What is going on?

"Oh my gosh! Look at that girl!" One person said with a sarcastic voice sound.

"What? What did I do?" Hannah said when she threw her hands up in the air with anger.

"Your not a virgin?" The girl said while she was walking towards us.


"Well it says right here you and Niall did it."

Me and Hannah looked up at each other and looked back at the girl.


"I don't know. It just says it right here! Look!"

It was a picture of us sleeping last night. But we both were facing diffrent parts of the room. Hannah said

"Okay people! NIALL'S MY BEST FRIEND!"

Everyone clapped. I guess they were excited? It didn't make since.

The rest of the day was fine. It was pretty boring. But there was the quarter back of the foot ball team Cole.

"So umm... Hannah. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get some dinner with me tonight?"

"Okay! I would love to Cole!"

"Okay! I will pick you up at 7:00"

"Great! See you then!"

She looked at me with an excited look on her face. I forced a smile on my face. My heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. I can't believe it. Now I don't like Cole. Gosh.

Later, Hannah came to my house and she went on her phone and she gasped. I ran over to look over at her and her hand was covering her mouth.

"What Hannah?"

She handed me her phone. She was on ask.fm and some people said

'Your so dumb!'

'I wish you were never born!'

'Your awful!'

'Your an embarrassment!'

'You suck!'

'Your not worth Niall's time!'

She started to cry. I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her and she stayed in a ball. She didn't move or anything like that. Then something came up about how she looked.

'Your hair is ugly brown and your eyes are ugly and your face is awful looking and your body couldn't even fit in the largest mans body cause your so fat, you think your so cool but your not! Your just a stupid little girl who is a wanna be."

She looked at that and she didn't even look like she was breathing. I hugged her tighter and she finally started to bawl. And she didn't see who it was from but I saw who.

It was from Clair. She moved then she moved back in 1 year ago and now she's the most popular girl is school. She thought Hannah was awful and a hideous person. Has she looked in the mirror lately? I guess not.

Why is Clair doing this again?


Hey y'all! So sorry I haven't updated in a while. But I hope y'all like this chapter. I had stupid school which if I had the choice, I wouldn't go. It like " I don't remember signing up for this! Comment yes! If you agree!

Alrighty. Bye!

. . CASS


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