Untitled Part 53

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Nialls POV

Its prom night, Ally texted me an hour ago she was sick.

My night has gotten 100x worse. I was going to give her the promise ring tonight before we left. But, when she texted me she couldn't go to prom, i honestly had a mini heart attack. But I'm still going in my tux to her house, and giving her the ring.

Sick or not, I'm going to make sure this girl will be mine forever. A promise ring just shows how much someone can love another without a marriage license. Especially since we are only 17 and you have to be 19 in California, or so I've heard. But this promise ring will look stunning on her. 

I have exactly 1 hour to get ready and be at her house. No pressure...

I place the ring on the kitchen counter and head up stairs to put my tux on. 

I reach the top of the stairs and my mom put a note on my door.

'Hi Ni! Your father and i are out of town for the next week, sorry we didn't tell you earlier, it was a surprise really. Have a fun night! Tell Hannah hi for us, good lucky with Ally' -Mom <3

Well thats just great. My parents are gone for the next week, Ally is sick, Hannah and i haven't really talked. Maybe i should go see her before i go to Allys....

No. I don't have time. 

I slip into my room and pull my black suit on with my lavender tie on. That was the color choice Ally picked. I love her so much. She is really my everything. I can't live without knowing she'll be mine forever. Gosh, i love this girl more than i could ever imagine. I love her more than singing. I love her more than food. More than life. More than oxygen. She is the air i breath, she will be the only thing i need in my life to be Happy. 

I look at the clock and its 5:30. I go into the bathroom and tidy up my hair, putting it up and brush my teeth once more, spraying my cologne on me. 

I take one last glance in the mirror before i grab my phone and text Hannah.

*Hey Hannah! Ill meet you guys at the dance, i am going to stop by Ally's house and give her the ring! We can all take a group photo when we all get there. Reid and Jack can't go tonight. They are both grounded from the other night. Dont ask, i don't even know why. Text me when you are there :)*

I put the phone in my jacket pocket, run downstairs and grab my car keys. I walk outside and lock my front door. I turn around and walk to my car. This is going to be one of the best nights of my life.

Hannahs POV

Its 5 right now. Carson said he would be at my house at 6. I am not going to lie, I'm terrified. I sent Izzy to Mrs. Roberts house for the night. Prom and a crazy stalker for an ex boyfriend come threaten to find you on the same night is a little overwhelming. I have my pocket knife Trinity got for my 12th birthday in my clutch just in case.

I run upstairs and throw my dress on. Its white with beautiful lace. It just finishes at my ankles. I put my white heels on, making me look 4 inches taller. I curl my brown hair and put 2 streaks from the front to the back. I then apply makeup. 

I put on my foundation, then blush, then my darker eye shadow for my hazel eyes, then apply a small wing of eye liner, then finish with my mascara. I take a look at the clock and it reads 5:45.

I check my phone to see if Carson somehow got my number again but i see i got a text from my very best friend.

*Hey Hannah! Ill meet you guys at the dance, i am going to stop by Ally's house and give her the ring! We can all take a group photo when we all get there. Reid and Jack can't go tonight. They are both grounded from the other night. Dont ask, i don't even know why. Text me when you are there :)*

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