Night 2: Playful Times

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Hannahs POV

"So, would you rather get married to Niall or Liam?" I ask Harry as I shove a piece of pizza in m mouth, him groaning.

"Niether! I'm actually into girls if you haven't noticed!" I roll my eyes.

"I would hope so, I love you!" He nods, leaning into my cheek, giving me a kiss.

"So, which one?" I ask again.

"Fine. Niall because he is my very best friend, next to you obviously" I giggle, knowing thats not true.

"Harry, your turn" HE nods, chewing his food and beginning to talk.

"Would you rather get married right now, or get married later in life?"

"Harry Styles, you asking to marry me?" He chuckles.

"No, just in a future reference." My heart leaps out of my chest. He wants a future with me! Score.

"Well, I would say anytime really. I am young, but if the right person is with me, then time doesn't matter. If its in 10 years or 10 months. If i feel like I know them enough to trust them with my life, then time doesn't matter" he nods, taking another bite of his pizza.

"Nice. Your turn" He says to me.

"Okay, would you rather marry me or Louis?"

"Louis I don't like you" He says sarcastically.

"Haha, funny. I know you would choose me!" I swat his shoulder while he chuckles under his breath.

"Hey Hannah, you wanna go for a drive?" He asks as he takes a bite of pizza.

"Yeah, how about we go to cold stone. I want to see my sister for a second" He nods as we stand up, and drive to the cold stone where Sarah works.

We walk into the ice cream place, immediately making eye contact with Sarah. She doesn't smile, only looks at us as we walk into the line.

We walk to the front of the line as she smiles, telling the girl who was taking our order to work her part of the counter for a second

"Hey Andrea" she quietly says.

"Hannah. Hey Sarah. Whats been up with you these days?" I ask as Harry takes ahold of my hand.

"Nothing much. Trevor found a girlfriend. Mom and Dad left for Africa for their 4 month volunteer work, leaving me alone in the house."

"How has the been?" I ask as Harry orders to another girl, as ordering for me as I continue talking to Sarah.

"Its actually been fun. Ive thrown 1 party since they've been gone. But they have been gone for 3 days, so I am proud of myself. Its summer now, so they wont be back until I am a month into my junior year. But thats okay. I really don't want to be around my mom,well, our mom."

"Why? What did mom do?" I ask as we reach the cash register.

"Well, lets just say we got into a fight..." She looks down, playing with her hands.

"What kind of a fight? Like, a bad one?" I ask, but she jumps from the question.

"It was just a fight. Nothing more. Your total is $5.45" I nod, going along with her changing the subject. I hand her my card and she swipes it, handing it back to me. Harry comes up to me and wraps his arms around me, making me shiver. That dream was seriously crazy, keeping me shaken up.

"Anyway, it was nice to see you. Come by the house sometime, we need to catch up. Ive missed a lot of years with you Sarah" She nods, not talking.

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