Today, Tomorrow, Never

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Hannahs POV

I wake up and walk down the stairs to find Harry on the couch, eating a cinnamon roll. I walk up behind him and slide my hand across his shoulder.

"Morning!" I lean down and kiss his cheek, he smiles.

"Morning!" I walk over to the kitchen and un-load the dishwasher and put the new dishes in. I can't stand dirty dishes.

"So, whats the plan for today babe?" Harry asks from the couch.

"I don't quite know. Can I talk to you?" I walk over to him, sitting across form him.

"Whats up?" I lean in just a touch, grabbing his hand.

"When are you leaving for tour?" His eyes sadden, looking down at our hands.

"In a week" He answers. I sigh, knowing we don't have long together. He will be back after 6 months of touring and Ill be in school, probably have a new boyfriend. No, I won't love anyone else as much as I love Harry.

"Well, we just have to do everything then!" He chuckles, making me smile. His little laughs make me just so happy and feel all these crazy emotions, little lone when he kisses me.

"Go get dressed. Its 10 right now, so if you hurry, we can go to the beach, go to the park, go to a movie, walk around town square too"

"Lets walk around town square!" I say, him nodding. I walk up the stairs and turn the water on, stripping my clothes off of my body.

I jump into the shower, grabbing the shampoo and rubbing the liquid around my hair. I hear the bathroom door open and I open my eyes from washing the shampoo out.

"Hi?" I call out, hearing Harry laugh to himself.

"Harry you can't come in, I am almost done with showering!"

"To late!" He opens the door, stepping in. I shriek from him just barging in like that!

"HARRY!" I cry out, hearing him laugh to himself. I huff, rolling my eyes but continue my shower routine. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling us together.

The water, running down between us, making hearing him breath, feeling his heart beat going faster makes me the most excited girl in the world.

I wash my hair form the conditioner, stepping out as Harry says in. I walk into my room and pick out some clothes.

I pull out white shorts that fade into maroon, and a white tank top with a grey,white plaid shirt. I slip them on and walk to the bathroom, right as Harry ones the door.

"Oh! Sorry!" I say after we run into each other. He laughs but walks to my room. I walk into the steamy bathroom and apply my makeup and scrunch up my hair. I spray my hair with hairspray, add eyeliner and eyeshadow.

I step back from the counter and take a glance at my self. I feel great, I look great, and I have a boyfriend that is great too.

"Ready to go hot stuff?" I giggle, but nod as we head to town square.

Nialls POV

"When are you going to tell her?" Louis crys out.

"I don't know! That is the problem! She is with Harry. She is happy with Harry! I can't break them up or make things better between them! What do I do Louis?!" I plop myself onto the couch, groaning.

"I think you should tell her" he says. I know I should, but I don't know when or how.

"When would I?"

"Today..." louis says.

"Tomorrow" Zayn says, sitting next to Louis.

"Never! How about that!" I say, sitting up.

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