We meet again!

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Chapter 7: We Meet Again

(Back to the present)

Hannah's POV


Now we have to get more food cause Reid ate it all. Gosh!

"Reid! why the freak did you eat all the food! it took forever to make!"

"And it didn't take long to eat it! You should make more next time!"

"I'm not even going to say anything right now cause there might be some words comin out that aren't supposed to come out!"

We went to the cake isle and we see ice cream. Not only ice cream. Niall's favorite! Mint chocolate chip with extra brownies! we run and grab it and it was the last one so we got lucky!


When we get ice cream, we noticed, 'why can't we just go to a bakery? Much cheeper there!'

So we get into the car and get to the bakery and we walk in. It smells like heaven! Holy crap it smelled so good!

"Hey can we get 1 large cake with chocolate frosting?"

"Sure. What kind of cake would you like?"

The voice sounded British and low. The boy with green eyes turns around!


"hey! Hannah and Reid and Jack! what are you guys doing here?"

"I would like to ask you the same question! When did you guys get back!"

"Just like, 1 hour ago! Who's the cake for? Is it for me! Oh you shouldn't have!"

"It's not for you Harry! It's for Niall! where's he going?!'

"Back to his house! Why?"

"Crap! Jack! Reid! Stay here! Harry make the fastest cake you have ever made in your entire life!"

"Where are you going?!" Jack said with a shocked voice.

"I have to go find Niall!"

So I book it to my car, turn on the engine, and I start driving like a mad women! There's no time to stop!

I get to the house, and there I see Louis and Zayn! Crap what are they doing here?!

"Hey hannah! Just came to say hey!" Louis said with a smirk on his face.

"Where's Niall?"

"He's with Liam shopping. Why?"

"I need y'all to give me some time with Niall gone! Like keep him out of here until I text you when you can home back to my house. We are throwing him a party, and since you guys are back, I NEES YOU GONE! For like and hour or so. okay?"

"Aye Aye Caption Hannah!" the boys can be so funny!

Finally, Jack and Reid come back with the cake, an Harry with them! Awesome. The more help we can get, the better!

(2 hours later)

Niall's POV


"Where are we going! Why did you lads put a blind fold in me?"

"Shut up Niall. Where just driving!"


Hannah's POV


From Louis the Tomo Tomlinson: hey! Niall's getting cranky. On our way!

To Louis The Tomo Tomlinson: Okay! We are done! Bring him on over.

"Where's Brad! What the crap! We need him here!"

"Relax! Jack has it covered with Brad. He's in his way!" Jack said while pointing his finger at him self.

Finally, we hear a knock at the door.

"Everyone hide!" I said while running over the couch.

Louis opens the door and Niall with a blind fold. Thank goodness Louis had a blind fold!

"Louis! Where are we?" Niall said while moving his arms in front of him.


Every one said with huge smiles on their faces. it's grate having him back!

"Holy crap guys! You shouldn't have!"

"We missed you Niall!" I said running to him.

He opened his arms for me to jump. And I leaped into his arms. He's became really sting since we last saw him.

" I missed you to Hannah. Tonight, we have a sleepover!"

"Okay Niall."

"Hey let's play a game!" Louis said while looking at me with a sneaky smirk in his face.

What is he thinking?


Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. But school jut started and I got lost. Shoot. It was very embarrassing when I walked into the wrong class room. And I saw one of my guy friends laughing at me. Not cool.


What's your favorite drink?

Mine is rootbeer. Best drink ever!

Alrighty. Bye!

. . CASS


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