Are You Kidding Me!? chp.28

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Hannah's POV

I don't even remember what happened. all I see is Carson holding a girl on the floor while she's crying. She looked like she got hurt or something.

Carson looked up at me and yelled at me saying

"your an awful person! you hit her!"

I am so confused!

"Carson what's going on?!"

"you hit Clair!"

OH! NOW I REMEMBER! I was upset with myself about Niall and I came here to see my boyfriend and i knocked on the door and someone opened it and it was Clair!

"why is she even here Carson!?"

he said nothing. I knew what was going on by then.

"You were cheating on me!!?" I said with my voice as loud as it could.

he stood up looking like he's ready to get hit in the face like I did with Clair.

"how could you do this?! you told me you loved me and I said it back! it's been 6 months! how could you do this!"

my eyes started getting glossy and puffy again.

"what!? don't act all innocent with me Hannah! you know, I have a twitter and Instagram. I see things!"

"what kind of things Carson?!"

"I see pictures of you and that stupid Irish blonde idiot!"

I got really angry when Carson called Niall that. I widened my eyes and I stepped inside his house closing the door behind me after Clair ran upstairs.

"You call Niall an idiot!? you are the one to talk!! At least he treats me better than you ever would! he takes care of me when your not there, he likes me for me! You have cheated on me 2 times now! how could you be AHHHH! I can even think of a word that means how mad I am at you right now!"

He takes his hand and crashes my face with it. I couldn't believe he hit me. I couldn't feel my face. I put my hand over my cheek and take it off to see blood. I look at him again with his face all red.

"You slap me, you hurt me, you kiss me, you say you loved me, you don't answer my calls or texts! you CHEAT ON ME TWICE WITH THE SAME GIRL!"

He backed away and he was silent.

"did you ever really love me?! give me your honest truth Carson cause I'm tired of you ignoring me." I say in the calmest way I could to not have him hit me again.

"Hannah, I did. it's just, when I saw you with Niall, I couldn't handle it. I called Clair to come over one day and we kissed."

"AND YOU LET HER!?" I said walking up to him yelling at him again with my hand in a fist ready to punch him!

"yes! Hannah I let her kiss me! AND I KISSED HER BACK AND YOU WANNA KNOW WHY!?"

"WHY CARSON!? WHY!?" I said putting my hand down still yelling at him.


Those words stung like a thousand bees came at me.

"what!?" I said almost crying.

"Niall had you and I didn't. I didn't love you anymore!" he said looked dead in his eyes.

I walk up to him and give him one hard punch to the nose. he fell backward into a table. I was walking out the door with my bloody face until he grabbed my arm and slammed my head into the wall next to me.

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