Write The Speech

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Hannahs POV

I walk into school and head to 1st period. The walk seems longer than usual. 

I walk into the room and nobody really notices me. Different from yesterday, but I like it. I sit down and my teacher, who i really don't care about remembering his name. 

The bell rings and he turns the lights out, turns on the projector and walks over to his desk.

"Umm, Mr. Coney, what are we doing?" some kid asks. Thats his name!

"The school board wanted us to show you all this. There are 2 videos. You'll be watching the other one in 3rd period." he brings an open screen on the projector screen. He presses play and turns the volume up.

The video first plays a picture of a girl, sitting at a table, with girls laughing at her. The picture fades and a video comes up.

"I didn't ask for this" a girl says in the back round with another girl walking down the hallway with girls in the background laughing, guys watching her walk.

"I never expected this to happen to me" another girl says with a different girl on the screen. The sits her stuff down at a lunch table and girls are laughing at her again. Some guys come up and comfort her. The screen goes black and you hear screaming.

"My life changed from this point on" the screen opens up to a girl with a black eye, busted lip. She looks up at the camera, with tears coming down her face. What is this?

"Rape is a serious thing. Every hour 30 women are raped. 30 times every 24 hours, thats 720 are raped every day. Take 720 and times that by 365. Thats 282,800 every year. Thats just in America. More and more women are getting raped every single day." the beat up girl says. I hear at least 10 people sniffle. I don't cry. 

I can't cry. 

I won't cry.

The screen goes black again, opening up to a girl shaking in the corner, with police and paramedics motioning to her, to get up. But she doesn't. She is just rocking back and forth for a couple seconds. 

The screen changes to another girl putting her makeup on. She flinches every time the brush taps her skin. The screen changes to the same girl, but she is putting her shirt on. You could see the buses on her arms and stomach. She pulls the shirt over her head, moaning from the pain. 

The screen changes to a girl getting laughed at by many other girls. I am disgusted. Those girls don't get it. They really don't. Being beaten and frightened at the same time, by an awful boy is cruel. I look away from how mad i am they are showing this video. I can still hear it though.

"My life changed. I was looked at differently. I was laughed at by other girls, I was ignored by my friends. They didn't want to be known as the person who knew the girl that got raped. Its a scary experience. Honestly." She starts to tear up, but Mr. Coney motions to me, asking me to talk in the hallway. I get up and walk out. I know everyone is looking at me, but they don't know i was raped. 

"Hannah, would you mind talking to the class about, you know, everything?" 

"My name is Andrea.... I found that out yesterday. Yeah ill talk about it" he looks shocked, i am too. But we walk back in and he walks to the front while i sit down. 

"Okay everyone. We are all going to the gym. The whole senior class is, and one of our students is going to talk about rape." everyone looks at me and i give a sarcastic smile. We all get up and everyone is walking out of class. I see Niall and Harry walking so i catch up to them.

"Hey Andrea!" Niall says and i grab his and Harry's arm. Harry turns and kisses me on the cheek.

"Guess what?" The both continue walking but turn to me.

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