Chapter 4

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When I wake up, I'm in a car. And it's not the rental car that Harry had rented. Damn.. That means I'm being kidnapped by James. My feet and hands are tied up and my head hurts. God, did he gag me or knock me out with a frying pan? I slowly turn my head to see James driving, eyes fixated on the road.

"Ohhh. Nice to see you're finally up princess." he sneers at me and I seriously almost gag. Like seriously I almost puked. The only people allowed to call me princess are my friends and family. And mostly, the only people that call me princess are my dad, Harry, and the boys, especially Nialler.

"Where the hell are you taking me?" I spit at him. He gets angry.

"That's none of your damn business! Now just sit back and be quiet. We'll be there in a little bit." he says and a rush of fear surges through me as I realize this guy is dangerous and absolutely fucking crazy. God knows what he's capable of and what he could and will do to me.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, my voice small.

"Hm. I guess I can tell you since you'll never see Harry again." he says, and I didn't even have to see his face to know that an evil smirk was etched across it.

That's when I lost it. No. No. No. No. He can't take Harry away from me. Please, anything but that. My eyes widen at the realisation of what he's said. He smiles at my expression, knowing that I've finally processed what he's said.

"I'm doing this because I want for Harry to feel all the pain I've felt. Every punch and kick he's ever given me-"

"You deserved it! If you weren't such a stupid fucking stalker and just left us alone, we wouldn't be in this mess!" I sass back. He clenches his jaw and his grip tightens on the steering wheel. Dammit, I know that I'm gonna pay for that later.

"Gonna let me finish?!" he yells and I flinch but stay quiet. "I know that Harry loves you. That would be obviously seen even by a blind man. And taking you away from him is the only way to truly hurt him. Hm, if we're lucky, he might even kill himself. Let's see how long he can survive without you." James says.

"Why do you want to get back at him so badly? What has Harry ever done to you?" I ask.

"You really want to know? You and Harry were best friends. Inseparable. You barely hung out with anyone else. Do you have any idea how many guys were envious of him? How many guys wanted so badly to be in his place? Well, I was one of them. I told him that he shouldn't tell you he was leaving for The XFactor. That he should just leave you. And he did which was a really idiotic move on his part." James says. I listen intently to him but look out the window, trying to take mental pictures of where we're driving past. It's a but difficult because it's so dark outside. "When he left, everyone was ecstatic. But you wouldn't talk to anyone. I mean, I didn't realise how much he had hurt you. For me, this was good and bad. Good because I knew he bad hurt you so badly, there was little to know chance of you ever forgiving him for what he did to you." James said. I was in shock.So... this was all because of some crush he had in me years ago? Wow, what a di-

"C'mon. We're here." James says. Shit .Please, please just let Harry be able to find me. He carries me into the house. It's actually very big and nice, which is surprising. I don't know, I mean, you just don't expect for your kidnapper/stalker to have a nice house and everything. We get into the house and he carries me upstairs and into a bedroom,  placing me on the bed.

"Can you please untie my feet and hands?" I ask politely. He looks wary, but complies, searching through his drawers for something. What is it? A knife? A gun? A poison dart? I suddenly become very scared. He could do something extremely bad to me. He's already taken Harry away from me, so I don't know what he could possibly do to me that could be worse.

"W-what a-are you gonna d-do to me?" I stammer. He stops searching for whatever he was looking for and smiles evilly at me. It makes my skin crawl.

"I promise. I'll try to make this as painful as possible." he says mockingly. Last time, he said he'd try to make this as painLESS as possible. This time, he's gonna make it as painFUL as possible. He comes over to me and runs his hand up my leg. I'm still wearing Harry's t-shirt. The last bit of him that I have. I reflexively slap him across the face, he stumbles back, clutching his cheek. He growls at me, obviously angered.

"I'm sorry just, please don't hurt me." I whimper.

"I think it's a little too late for that." he growls. Please, please don't let him hurt me. Please.  

*Harry's POV*

When I wake up, Alli isn't beside me. Weird. I go into the kitchen, nothing. I search the entire house and she's nowhere to be found. I don't start freaking out. There's no time for that. I know this'll sound really cliche, but the love of my life could be dead right now. The worst thing to do would be to panic. There's only one thing that could've happened and I must applaud myself for thinking of this. James. I don't know how he found us, all I know is I have to get to her before he hurts her. I'm going to settle this for once and for all. He won't even be able to touch her after I get done with him.  

*Alli's POV*

When my eyes open, I'm lying on the bed. I don't know what he's done to me, but I know it's not good. My body feels too numb for one thing, so that's definitely not a good sign. I feel horrible. The longer I sit, the longer my body aches. My brain slowly unfogs itself. If that's even a word. I don't even know at this point. I turn my body just a little bit and instantly regret it. Pain shoots through every inch of my body. What the bloody hell did he do to me? The longer I sit, the more I start to remember. Oh god. Please no. It's easy to see my naked body lying on the bed. He r-r-raped me. It hurts to even say it in my brain. I'm hoping this is just a dream.

I try to move my limbs and I realise that they're more than sore. There's blood dripping from my arm. I slowly turn my head to see my arm. There's what looks like a heart carved into my arm. And another one on my other arm. And then there are just slashes from where the blade cut me repeatedly all over my body. I can't help it, I start crying. I can't remember the last time I've cried so much. My mind flashes back to last night. To what he did to me. First, he beat me. He kicked me, scratched and punched every single inch of my body which explains why I'm so sore. I remember passing out because he hit me so hard. I don't remember him raping me though, if he did. He could have very well just stripped me naked and left me on the bed, but something tells me that's not likely. After I passed out, that's probably when he raped me and then cut me. I lie on the bed, body beaten, broken, and sore, when he comes back into the room.

"Oh Alli, you don't looks so good." he says and then laughs. It wasn't a teasing, funny laugh. It was an evil laugh like he was enjoying me being in pain. "C'mon, we're going for a ride." he says. I'm so broken, I can't even ask where. He knows I can't move, so he picks up my limp body and carries me out to the car. Harry, I love you. That's the last thought I have before I black out again.

*Harry's POV*

I tried all last night to find her. No one had seen her, so I came back to the house. I couldn't sleep, I haven't eaten. I haven't told the boys yet because I don't want them to freak out. I'm sitting in the living room, wracking my brains for where she could be. I finally can't stand it anymore. I'm grabbing my keys and heading out the door when I stop short. There she is, lying on the front porch, her body beaten and broken and there's no sign of James. I'm glad she's here, completely ticked off at James because of what he's done to her, and then saddened at the sight of my broken wife. I carefully pick her up in my arms, noticing all of the slashes all over her body, all of the bruises and bumps and angry tears obscure my vision. I know James did this to her. And once I find him, I'll be the one to knock the last breath he ever breathes right out of him. I swear I will.

A/N Pretty intense chapter. Comment below and tell me what ya think? Three comments or five votes and I'll update the next chapter!!!! Tanks so much!!! xx-Keke

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