Chapter 24

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We're all sat down in Simon's office and you can literally feel the nervousness in the air. I feel deeply for the guys because I know that this wasn't an easy desicion. I'm sure, however, that Simon won't chew them up and spit them out for their desicion. After all, if they didn't want for them to have the choice of whether or not they wanted to do it, then they shouldn't have told them that they had the choice in the first place. 

"Hello boys, girls, Brooklyn." he says, his perfectly straight, white teeth in full view. 

"Hi Uncle Si." Brooklyn says as Simon picks her up in his arms. The first time Simon and Brooklyn met, she was scared silly of him. I don't know what it was about him that just made her want to hide underneath a bed and never come out, but she definitely did not like him at first. 

It took a while, but over time, she and Simon have grown quite close and now he has become known as 'Uncle Si'. 

"Hello Brooklyn. How's my favourite girl in the world?" he asks in his deep British accent. Even though I'm British as well, I've always found Simon's voice particularly mezmerising. It just has this type of authoritiveness to it that immediately let's you know that he's in charge and he's not about to let anyone ruin his reputation or his buisness. 

"I doing good. Uncle Si, are you mad at Daddy and uncles?" she asks. Simon's deep chuckle fills the big room. 

"No sweetie I'm not mad or upset with them. Now, you go on back in the room with Nina and your siblings and let the grownups to for a little bit okay?" he says and Brooklyn nods her head in understanding. Simon gives her a kiss on the cheek and then sends her on her way. 

Nina takes the twins and Brooklyn and leads them into the playroom that Simon made as an addition just for them. 

"Well, I heard about your desicion..." he trails off. "Just tell me, why?" he asks. All the guys tell him their reasons and Simon just sits back in his very comfortable looking chair, and listens intently to every word being said. 

"So, I completely understand why you made this desicion and I think you're doing the right thing one-hundred percent." Simon says. 

"You do?" Niall asks incredulously. 

"Yep. May I ask you something? Will you just do this for not me, but for all your fans even though, you won't particularly want to? It will be to do a very last tour...every second, every moment counts because this is the end. After this, there will, techincally, be no more One Direction. And then you don't have to worry about me or anyone else bugging you anymore." Simon says. 

"If we were to agree, would we be able to bring our girlfriends and everyone as well?" Liam asks. Simon thinks for a moment.

"Yes. As long as it's okay with them and also as long as you both agree that you can handle being on the road for a while." he answers. 

"Speaking long would this last?" Niall asks. 

"We don't know. But, think of all the people and places who'll want to see One Direction's very last tour. It's gonna be a lot of people." 

"Can we...get back to you on it?" Harry asks. 

"Of course. We have time. Just call when you want to discuss it further, okay?" Simon says. I can tell that he doesn't want to pressure the boys into making any desicions they don't want to. 

*That Night*

"So, I think the boys and I are going to do it. We owe the fans that much. I don't know how I'm going to survive without you and the kids." Harry says and  I look at him incredulously. 

"Wait a minute, what?" I ask, confused. 

"Well, I'm saying that I know you and the kids aren't going to be coming with us, and I'm going to miss you." Harry repeats. I cross my arms over my chest. 

"And um, just how do you know we won't be going with you guys?" I ask. 

"Well, you aren't are you?" 

"I had a mind to go with you. You can't just dictate my life and think I'll be okay with it. You didn't even bother to ask my opinion." I say. 

"Allison, I'm just saying that the last time you were on tour with us, we were younger and not married and didn't have kids. Just imagine how hard it'll be if we have to try and keep up with everything that's going on whilst having our kids with us." I say. 

"Or is it just that you want some space from me and the kids?" I ask, my voice small as I try to put as much distance between us as possible. The thought hurts that he may just be using this as an excuse to get away from us for a while. 

Harry was used to the single life. Going out, partying every night. He had no responsibility. And then he got married, had kids, and that's a whole crap load of responsibilites right there. Maybe being a dad, and even more, a husband, is becoming too much for him. 

His expression hardens as he walks towards me. I'm pushed back into a corner but I refuse to back down. He will not intimidate me. 

"Allison. That is not the reason why I'm doing this. If you don't think that I don't love the kids and getting to see them every day, then I must be doing something wrong. And..." he says and then takes my hand in his. "If you don't think I don't enjoy being able to wake up next to you every morning, fall asleep next to you every night, and also, having our...intimate times together, then I might just have to reassure you." he says. 

He gently nudges my head to the side and starts to kiss at the skin there, but I don't respond. I have to stand my ground. 

"Alli." he mumbles against my skin a bit roughly. 

"I don't want you doing anything just because you want to prove something." I say matter-of-factly. He looks at me and I'm a bit scared because it's hard to read his expression. 

"I'm not." he says and then presses his lips hungrily to mine as he pins me against the wall. My hands reach up to curls which are wet from just taking a shower. 

His hands quickly remove my shirt and then unclasp my bra as we move over to the bed. I have a feeling he's trying to distract me from thinking about the whole tour thing, and it's working, but if he thinks I'll forget completely, he's being delusional. 


Really short chapter and it's not very good either. Sorry:( I'll try to update another one tonight if I can. I'm graduating this week. Kind of excited kind of sad because I'll be leaving the people who have become my family. :(

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