Chapter 29

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Note: This may or may not be the last chapter of this story. I'm still undecided and I'm trying to figure things out. Not to mention I've been watching Teen Wolf 99.9% of the time so...yeah. I'm not saying this is the last chapter, but I'm not saying it is either. Tanks xx~Keke

~Harry's POV~

My head snaps back up as I hear my phone ringing. God. Did I fall asleep? Again?

"Hello?" I say as I try to wake back up. 

"Mr. Styles?" 

"Yes, what is it?" I ask, still a bit out of it. 

"Uhm, well, we got the test results and...they didn't turn out so well. The only thing we can do to make sure is to take a couple more tests-"

"Wait a minute, a couple more tests?! I'm sick of all these damn tests I just wanna know what's wrong with me wife!" I yell into the phone. 

I'm tired of not knowing what's going on more than half the time. I'm sick of being in the dark. I want to know what's wrong and I want to know now. 

Maybe it's just all the stress with the 'The End' tour, Allison being sick, and having to take care of three kids, but something's just put me over the edge. Something's snapped. 

"Mr. Styles, I'm sorry but we don't want to say anything until we're completely sure that it is what we think it is. Can you bring her down to the hospital as soon as possible?" the doctor asks. I can tell she really is worried and is trying to help, but I don't give shit about that anymore. 

The only thing that's going on through my mind now is that I need to find out what's wrong with Allison. Now.

~Allison's POV~

"I told you. I always win Allison." James says. We're stood in this room, but it's completely white all around us. There's nothing except for me and him. 

"No. i-I thought you were-"

"Thought I was dead." he finishes my sentence. "I know. Well, ya know what? I'm not dead. I'm here. I'm alive. And I.will.get you." he growls as he smirks evilly. I start to back up as he steps closer and closer to me. 

I start running, screaming Harry's name as I go. But where am I running? Where am I going? There seems to be nothing. Wherever I look, whether it's up, down, left, or right, it's all just whitness. It seems to go on forever. Never ending. Infinite.

"Harry! Harry help me please!" I yell. 

"Harry won't always be there to help you Allison! That's all you ever do! Run. You're just a helpless little bitch with no way to protect herself! If Harry weren't here, what would you do?!" he yells. 

Finally, I see it. My way out. A door. I sprint towards it and open it to find myself in a field full or purple, pink, and yellow flowers. In the midst, I can see a tall figure. 

I stop running to catch my breath and start walking towards it. 

"Harry?" I call out. "Harry!" I call out louder as I get closer to him. I know it's him. It has to be. There wouldn't be anyone else here to help me. 

I place a hand on his broad shoulder as I near him. He turns around and looks down at me, a cold, hard look in his eyes that I decide to ignor. 

I wrap my arms around him in a hug and he does the same to me. 

"Harry. I'm so glad you're here. For a second I thought-" my sentence is cut off as he starts to squeeze me tighter, my body feeling as if it's going to explode. 

"Harry? Wh-what are you doing?" I choke. 

"I won't always be here to save you. I've save...myself." he says before the air permanately leaves my lungs and I take my last breath. 

"Allison! Allison wake up!" Harry's voice wakes me up from my nightmare. My eyes shoot open and come to rest on his. 

My body rocks in sobs as I cry and wraps his arms around me. 

"Shh. Sweetie, it's okay." he whispers. We sit like this for a while as I slowly start to calm down. What the hell is up with that nightmare? I have a feeling it was more of a sign. Harry won't always be here to protect me. 

"Harry?" I say, my voice weak. 

"What is it?" he asks, his eyes soft. 

"I-I have to get up. I need to-I have to start taking classes." I say. 

"Classes? Classes for what?" he asks, confusion in both his voice and his face. 

"Defense classes. I have to learn to defend myself. Defend the kids. I have to get up." I say. 

"Allison, you can barely stand and you're talking about taking defense classes?" he asks. 

"I can walk. I can do it." I say, determination in my voice. "Just, just help me up." I say. Harry looks at me with worried eyes. "You just have to trust me. Help me up." I say.

He hesitantly gets off the bed and takes my hands in his. He helps me off the bed and places me on my feet. 

I hold on to his waist, my legs a bit wobbly. They feel like noodles. 

"Okay. You can let me go." I say, peering into his eyes. 

"But I can't. I can't let you go." he says, a hidden meaning behind his words. I stare down at the ground but I can feel his eyes burning into me. He slowly lets me go and I wobble a little but am successful in standing up. I take one step. Two. And then for some unknown reason, I start to feel lightheaded. Like I'm floating on a cloud or something. And then I'm falling. 

Harry catches me before I hit the ground and I'm crying again. 

"I can't even freaking take three steps!" I yell in between sobs. "Harry, what the hell's wrong with me?" I ask, my voice dripping with despair. 

"I don't know. I don't know." he repeats. 


So this is a quick chapter. Filled with stuff though. I guess. Idk. Don't know if I'll update again tonight. Teen Wolf is coming on. BTW, does anyone else watch it? Am I a lone wolf? Feels like it at times...

If I am to continue updating(and I'm not saying I am) there's gonna be a few rules. 

I will update the next chapter once I get 10 votes 8 comments on this chapter. Once I get them, I'll update the next chapter. Simple. Easy as 1, 2, 3. 

Please, leave a comment below. (Not that anyone does anyway but ey, worth a shot.

Tanks xx~Keke

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