Chapter 20

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"Here, stand up." Harry instructs and then holds my hands as he helps me up. He gets a whole bunch of paint and sets it down on the floor. He gets the massive canvas and places it down on the floor. 

"Harry, what are you doing?" I ask. 

"Wait for it." he says and then stands up. "Okay, dip your hands in the paint." he says. I do as I'm told and dip one hand in red paint and the other in a light blue colour whilst Harry dips both of his massive hands in a bright, neon green, and the other in a dark orange. 

I press my hands on the massive canvas and keep them on for a second and then take them off, leaving my hand prints and then Harry does the same.  I laugh and he laughs along with me as I relise just how massive his hands look compared to mine. 

Next, we dip our feet in paint and then walk around in a spiral around the canvas. You can very plainly see which ones are his and which ones are mine. 

"Here, lie down." Harry says and I comply. He gets a paint brush, dips it in black paint, and then outlines my body on the canvas. I giggle when the bristles of the brush touch my curves and Harry smiles to himself. Once he's done, I get up, careful not to mess it up. 

"It looks good. Okay, now it's your turn." I say.  He lays down and I repeat exactly what he did to me. He gets up and we look at our work. 

"Ha. It looks like we're holding hands." I laugh. Harry smiles. He grabs a paintbrush, dips it in red paint, and then right in between our bodies painted on the canvas, he draws a perfect, big heart. 

"Do you like it?" he asks.

"I love it. But, it still needs more." I say. 

"Well, it looks like we'll be here a while." Harry says. He gets his phone and plugs it up to the iHome that's sat on the marble counter. He puts it on shuffle and soon, a Panic At The Disco song comes on. 

"Sit tight, I'm gonna need you to keep time

C'mon just snap, snap, snap your fingers for me

Good, good, now we're making some progress

Come on just tap, tap, tap, your toes to the beat"

Harry and I sing along to the song as we hop around the entire room, looking like complete fools. It's so much fun to just let go. 

Harry disappears to the kitchen(yes, this place has got a kitchen) and brings out two glasses and a bottle of wine. 

He pours some for me and then some for him. We clink our glasses together, acting like posh civilised people. I smile at him before I take a sip of the wine. I can't remember the last time I've had a drink. 

I don't usually like to drink anymore for fear that I'll get drunk and Harry and I'll do something stupid like we did the last time we were drunk. I got pregnant and we ended up loosing our baby girl. 

Harry and I sit on our master piece, taking a break. 

"So, tell me more about that night mare that you had." Harry says. My heart immediately starts to beat faster. I want to just forget about that horrible nightmare. 

"I-I don't want to talk about it." I say, avoiding his soft gaze. He puts down his glass and gently turns my face to his. 

"You can tell me. Please?" he gently prods. I bite my lip but eventually give in. 

"Well, we were here, and then Rick was pounding on the door. You went to see who it was but as soon as you saw, you ran to me and we went upstairs to hide. I was so afraid he was going to break down the door. He was going to hurt the kids, but thankfully we got back to the house in time. You told me to stay in the car and not to move no matter what. Rick and his gang beat you up so badly that you had to go to the hospital." I say and then continue on with my story. 

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