Chapter 47

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This is a really short chapter. I won't have any time to update for the rest of today but I really wanted to give you guys a little something to read. I've been so busy lately:( Please continue to comment and vote! I love you guys! xx 

"Are you sure no one uses this room?" I ask him. The last thing I want is for one of my family members or the girls or guys to burst in on us. 

"I'm positive. I haven't seen anyone in here since we got here." he assures me, gently kissing my neck. 

"Can I just remind you that you haven't been here long?" I laugh and I feel his deep laugh rumble in his chest.

"It seems like it's been longer." he observes and I nod my head, him moving his lips to mine. His hands reach underneath my shirt, slowly sliding up and squeezing. They go to my bra clasp which is in the front, his digits gently massaging my breasts. I swallow Harry's moan in my mouth, feeling him lead us over to the bed. I break away from the kiss, moving to the top of the bed, but Harry's hand stops me. I look back at him, wondering.

"I wanna try something different." he whispers, slowly bringing me back to him. He stands his full, towering height over me, not breaking eye contact.

"You okay?" he asks and I nod my head, anticipating what he's going to do next. No more words are spoken as he dips his head back down to reconnect our hungry lips. His lips move furiously against mine, desperately. Our breathing quickens as my palms rub over his soft, inked and exposed torso.


"Morning Genny." I greet.

"Morning," she says back, smiling as she pours herself a cup of orange juice. 

"How'd you sleep last night?" I ask.

"Better than I have in weeks," she admits, smiling sheepishly. "Thank you, again for knocking some sense into me. I was being stupid." 

"No, not stupid," I tell her. "You were just hurt. And pain can make people do crazy things." I say, remembering when I said the exact same words to Harry. 

It's not long before everyone is downstairs, excluding the kids who are still asleep. 

"Does anyone want anything from Starbucks?" I ask and of course, everyone says yes. I write down what everyone wants. 

"I'll come with you," Eleanor offers and I graciously accept.

"Harry, the kids are still asleep, so just make sure you keep check on them, okay?" I inform him and he nods, leaving a gentle kiss to my cheek and nose before I go upstairs and change into some sweats and a tank top.


"Will that be all?" the cashier asks, a small smile on his face.

"I think so," I sigh. "Sorry for the really big order. I'm getting it for my whole family." I inform him and he smiles.

"It's no problem." he assures, telling me the total. Thankfully, I had everyone pitch in to pay for today's breakfast so the grand total was to be expected.

"So, how're things between you and Harry?" Eleanor asks as we take a seat, waiting for our massive order to be delivered.

"Okay, I guess."

"Okay," Eleanor gasps. "Things between you and Harry are never 'okay'. You guys are always 'great' or 'wonderful' or 'absolutely positively fantabulous'." she says and I laugh.

"Okay, I have never said that last one."

"Actually, you did. It was one morning after you had spent the night in the same room. I knew you were too damn happy." she smirks and I shush her.

"Don't let the whole world know!" 

"Alli, come on. You guys have three children. I'm pretty sure the whole world knows you guys had to 'do it' in order to have them." she laughs and my cheeks begin to redden.

"Well, you and Louis don't have any children, but I can specifically remember, on more than one occasion, going downstairs to get a drink of water and walking past your room." I say and her eyebrows raise.

"Oh really?"

"Mmhmm," I hum. "And there were some...noises. Apparently, Louis likes having his hair tugged." I tease her and her expression turns grave.

"Shut up! Don't be so loud." she says, glancing all around the nearly empty shop.

"Karma's a bitch isn't she?" I laugh and she can't help but to join. 

"Okay, I'll keep out of you and Harry's sex life if you keep out of me and Louis'." 

"Deal." I agree. "Speaking of, how are things between you and Boo Bear?" I ask, using his nickname.

"Not the best. I think it's all this wedding planning stress. I think we need couples therapy or something because I can't stand the way things are between us right now." she pouts and I wrap my arm around her.

"It'll be okay. It was the same way with me and Harry until probably a week before the actual wedding. Then we realized things would never be the same after we got married and wanted to spend as much time as we possibly could together." 

"Well, I for one, can't wait for that day." she sighs.

"Just don't focus too much on the whole process of it. Focus on the fact that in a couple of months, you'll officially be Mrs. Louis Tomlinson." I say and she smiles.

"It does have a nice ring to it." she says, laughing just as our order is complete.

"Can we get some help?" I ask the barista and she willingly complies, helping us get all of our stuff into the car. "Thank you so much." I thank her.

"No problem. Have a nice day."


"So, Devin, when's Savannah supposed to be coming down here?" I ask as we're all sat in the front room.

"This weekend." he answers and I look up at him in surprise.

"So soon?" 

"Yeah, I've been talking with Harry and I think I've got it down." he smiles.

"Wait, what's going on?" Perrie asks, taking a sip of her coffee while sitting on Zayn's lap.

"Devin's girlfriend and her family is coming down this weekend to meet our family." I explain.

"And, he's going to propose to her." Harry adds.

"Wow, there're just wedding's flying all over the place isn't there?" 


"Are you ready to go pick her up from the airport?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. She just texted me saying her flight should be landing in about thirty minutes." Devin answers.

"Okay, Brooklyn, Daddy and I'll be right back okay? Be good." I tell her kissing each of them.

"We will." she assures me. I make sure my dad knows where we're going before Harry, Devin and I get in the car and drive off to the airport.


I can't believe today is Zayn's birthday!!! Oh my gosh he's 21 I can't believe it 0_0. 9 days until my birthday and 8 days until it's officially Can We Start It All Over Again's 1 year anniversary! It's insane how far you can come in a year!

I hope you all had an amazing New Year's and that 2014 has started off well:) Ilove you guys! xx~Keke

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