Chapter 6

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When I wake up, Harry's gently rubbing his hand up and down my bare back. His touch calms me, has a soothing effect.

My head rests on his warm, toned, tanned and bare chest. I close my eyes, enjoying this sweet moment with him.

I turn to face him, his green eyes soft and a smile finds its way to his face. I can't help but smile. He looks so...happy. So content.

Do I really make him this happy? Just my mere presence brings a massive smile to his face. It's these things that make me start to see just how much he loves me.

"Good morning Alli Cat." he whispers.

"Morning Hazza Bear." I whisper back and our smiles widen.

"I've got something for us to do today. We have to get up though." he says. I groan and clutch him tighter to me.

He laughs.

"We don't have to get going straight away. I just wanted to let you know." he says. His voice teasing and playful. I love seeing this side of Harry. His playful side.

I pepper playful kisses all over his face and chest and then steal one from his lips. I disentangle myself from him and get up. I can feel his stare burning a hole through me as I walk over and grab the t-shirt of his off the floor.

I swiftly put it on and soon Harry's beside me. I have on nothing underneath this t-shirt, and Harry's got on nothing but a pair of boxers. Just the usual.

"Hop on." he says with a smile, inviting me to get on his back. He crouches down a little bit so I can jump on.

I jump on his back and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms are around his neck. He holds on to my thighs so I won't fall.

He runs around the house, making airplane noises as he does. I can't help but laugh.

We run around the entire house until Harry makes it back to the kitchen. He's not even out of breath. He goes to the fridge, me still on his back, and takes out the leftover pizza from last night.

A smile makes it's way to my face as I think of how absolutely perfect last night with Harry was. He's never been gentle and sweet with me before.

I give him a kiss on the cheek and he smiles.

"What's that for?" he asks.

"I was just thinking of last night." I say and his smile widens.

"Do you want some pizza?" he asks. I nod my head.

He gets a couple slices, puts it in the fancy looking microwave, and the pizza starts to warm up.

I get off Harry's back in search for some ice cream.

I finally find some and set it on the counter. I get out a massive spoon and start eating the cold, delicious treat.

"Mmmm." I sigh in contentment. My eyes flutter close at how good this ice cream is.

"Enjoying that?" Harry teases and I nod my head just as the beeper goes off, signalling that the pizza is done being warmed up.

Harry takes one of my hands in his and we go back to sit down in the living room on the couch. I still have the massive tub of Vanilla Bean ice cream in my hands.

Harry and I eat the pizza and ice cream. Wow, what a healthy breakfast. But we don't care at all.

We're sat watching The Notebook when Harry's cell rings. He looks at the phone ID, smiles, and then answers it. He puts it on speaker.

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