~Author's Birthday Note~

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Okay, just had to get that out:) First off, how're you guys? Hope your week's starting out great:) Mine's been okay I guess:/


I just want to take a second to thank all of you guys for your lovely and very touching birthday wishes:) It made me feel special and I never feel that way so a massive thank you to everyone who did! Also, I want to announce that for CWSIAOA, you guys met the goal AND went over it AND went over the commenting limit! Like WhaT Is AIr? I can't believe how far I've come since I first started my Wattpad over a year ago. Tomorrow is CWSIAOA's first birthday and I'm so excited because I have things planned(cue the evil laugh). 

I've loved being able to talk to some of you guys and be there for you when you're feeling down. You can always talk to me because I consider myself a really good listener. Just know you're never alone and you can always talk to me!

So, just so you know my life's not perfect, I figured you guys should know a little bit more about me.

My full name's Keandra and I was born on the 21st of January, 1999. I have four other siblings, one older sister, two younger sisters, and one younger brother. I'm the second oldest:) My mom and dad were married for I think 18 years before they got a divorce last year and that really took a toll on my ENTIRE family. It legit split the family in two. There was my dad's side and my mom's side and it kinda felt like the British against the American's in that war.(Sorry idk what the war's called I suck in History) There was loads of pressure on me because my sister had moved and was out of the house so I had to take on that 'big sister' role. Not to mention, I felt like if I wanted to spend time with my mom's side, I was betraying my dad's side of the family and vise versa. 

But let me back up just a LITTLE bit further so you can understand why I am the way I am today:)

For three years(Kindergarten through 2nd grade) I went to a public Elementary School. Let me describe 5-8 year old Keandra to you. I was short(still am 4'10 baby woohoo!) my race is African American so I got bullied a lot by this one boy and his little 'posse'. Let's just say that set my confidence back like thirty freaking years so thanks a lot(note the sarcasm.) I've always been a very bubbly, friendly type of person. I had loads of energy as a kid and I still do to this very day. But, you wouldn't really know that unless you were around me a lot like my family was. At school, I was your typical, average nerd. I was the girl who got good grades, stayed quiet, never talked back, teacher's pet type of kid. It was seriously like one of those fanfictions where there's the quiet girl who catches the eye of the jock and the jock is a complete and total jerk and tries to get the girl's attention.  Everyone said this guy, his name was Tyler, liked me, but I was in denial and didn't believe their lies. Turns out, their lies weren't really lies, and he tried to kiss me next to the slide during P.E. one day but I ran away before he did(oopsies). The end of my second grade year, my mother told me tha tI would be going to a private school. I was incredulous and refused to go because private school meant uniforms and I wasn't into all that jazz.

I ended up going anyway:/

BUT IT'S ALL GOOD because little did I know that the friends I made there would become my lifelong sisters and brothers and would encourage me to make a wattpad. That's basically how it all started, really. My sister(not by blood but we're extremely close and have known eachother for over 7 years) Cassie, told me to read this fanfic and I did and then she told me to make a wattpad and upload my stories on there. Since I was a quiet kid in school back then, I would just write. I was known for my writing and I was the best one in the entire school(don't mean to brag but eh why not?) I was very apprehensive at first, thinking no one in their right minds would waste their time reading my stories but I said "What the hay?" and did it anyway.

My first fanfic(which is horrible and I pray no one has seriously read it) called Anything Could Happen, got a few reads and I was so surprised, shocked, and a bit overly excited that people were actually reading my story.

Shortly after that, I started writing a fanfic called Can We Start It All Over Again? Actually, how that fanfic started was it was a school writing assignment and I wrote it for that and then my friends read it and basically forced me into uploading it even though I really didn't think it was all that good.

Little did I know that it would become my most popular fanfic and a year later, I'd be talking to people from all over the world who(for some unknown reason) like my story:) Never thought I'd be where I am and without you guys, I definitely wouldn't be.

So, if you've read my boring life story this far, thank you and here's the SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT AND REWARD FOR MEETING THE GOALS!!

I will be uploading a super juicy, REALLY LONG update either tomorrow or Thursday!!! And following and shouting out and dedicating chapters to you guys if you comment below and want me to;)



xx~Keke(the 15year old hehe)

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