Lucy's Little Secret P1

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A:Lucy, you've been looking really pale lately. Are you okay? You've been weirdly quiet.

N:Yeah, you don't seem like yourself. What's up?

L:Ugh... I don't know. I've been feeling off for the past few days.

Tam:I've noticed. You've run to the bathroom like five times today.

L:It's nothing. Probably just something I ate.

A:Lucy, come on. You've been sick for almost a week. It's definitely not food poisoning. Have you thought about taking a pregnancy test?

L:Wait, what? No, no way. I mean... Tim and I... we've been careful... I think.

N:"I think" doesn't sound very confident. Morning sickness, avoiding coffee... the signs are all there.

Tam:Wait, wait, hold up,Lucy might be pregnant? Does Tim know?

L:I don't even know, okay?! I haven't thought that far ahead. I've just been feeling... off.

A:You should take a test, Lucy. Just to be sure. Better to know now than to keep guessing.

N:And it's not like it's the end of the world if you are. You and Tim seem... well, close. This wouldn't exactly be out of the blue.

Tam:Yeah, you two are practically inseparable. This is the next step, right?

L: I can't believe we're having this conversation. I'm not pregnant! I'm just... tired. Maybe it's a bug or stress from work.

A:Mmhmm, sure. Denial is strong in this one. But when you find out, we'll be ready with baby name suggestions.

N:Oh, definitely. I'll bring a list next time.

L:I'm not even taking a test yet, and you guys are already picking baby names?!

Tam:Just think of it as being prepared. You know, in case of a "happy little accident."

L:I can't believe this is happening...

A:Look, Lucy, whether it's pregnancy or not, we're here for you. But you won't know until you take that test.

L:Fine, fine. I'll take the test after work.

N:Good. And don't worry,we won't judge you... much.

Tam:Unless you name the baby something ridiculous. Then, we might have to have a talk.

L:Thanks for the support, guys. Real helpful.

A:Hey, at least you'll have a great story to tell. "The day I found out I was pregnant, my friends were already planning baby showers and coming up with names."

L: I'm never living this down, am I?

N: Not a chance

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