Jackson death anniversary

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J - has anyone seen Lucy?

G - No

A - No

W - No

N - No

W - No

T - Why?

J - It's Jackson's death anniversary today.

J - The three of us were like a trio. Like family

J - Lucy and Jakson were roommates. They were so close

J - Now that Jackson is dead... I think it might break her...

A - Have you asked Tamara?

J - She's the one that called me

J - Lucy didn't go home last night

W - I'm calling the captain, off to find a missing cop

T - You don't need to do that

N - Why?

T - Because she's sleeping on my couch rn

A - Mind elaborating Tim?

T - Don't think too much

T - She couldn't bring herself to stay in the house knowing today marks his death anniversary

T - Nolan

J - Yes?

T - Tell Tamara Lucy's staying with me.

A - Don't do anything I wouldn't do

L - What did I miss?

A - Nothing

N - Nothing

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