Tim's credit card

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Tim is going broke 😎

T:Alright, I messed up. Big time.

A:Uh-oh. What did you do now, Bradford?

Jo:This sounds serious already. Spill it, Tim.

T:I forgot my anniversary with Lucy.

Aa:Dude. No way. That's like... the one thing you can't forget.

N:Oof. Bradford, I thought you were better than this. How did you forget?

T:It wasn't intentional, okay? I got wrapped up in that metro task force mission. You guys know how crazy that was. Lost track of time.

A:Wow. How romantic. "Sorry, babe, I was busy with a metro mission." That'll definitely smooth things over.

Jo:Did Lucy say anything yet? Or are you still in the calm-before-the-storm phase?

T:She hasn't said anything yet, but I can tell she's upset. I got home late, completely missed our plans, and didn't even realize it until this morning when I saw the reminder on my phone.

Aa:Oh man, the phone reminder. That's gotta sting.

N:Let me guess, you didn't even stop for flowers, did you?

T:I mean, it was 3 a.m. by the time I got home. No flower shop is open at that time.

A:You're digging yourself deeper. Flowers, gifts, fancy dinner... something.

T:I'm asking for advice, not a lecture!

Jam:Okay, here's my advice: You need to make it up to her, big time. There's no small gesture that'll fix this one. You need to go all out.

T:Like what? What does "all out" mean?

Aa:Max out your credit card. Whatever it takes.

N:Aaron, not everything is solved by throwing money at it.

Aa:Says the person who didn't forget their anniversary. I'm just saying, if you don't go overboard, Tim, Lucy's gonna think you don't care.

A:Wait, why are we even discussing this? Max out your credit card is exactly the right answer.

T:What?! How is that the solution? I'm not trying to bankrupt myself over one missed date.

A:It's not just one missed date, Tim. It's an anniversary. That's a huge deal for Lucy, and you need to show her how much she means to you.

T:But I didn't mean to forget. It's not like I don't care! I was in the middle of an operation. You guys know how those go. It's not like I was sitting at home watching TV while ignoring her.

Jam:Tim, my man, I hate to break it to you, but no matter the reason, you forgot your anniversary. That's the headline. Doesn't matter if you were chasing down criminals or aliens.

Aa:Exactly! Max out your credit card. Buy her something that sparkles.

T:I was hoping for advice that doesn't destroy my savings account.

Jam:If you want to stay out of the doghouse, trust me,pull out that card and don't ask questions. I speak from experience, my friend.

W:Max out your credit card.

T:Oh, come on. Really, Wesley? You too?

W:I'm just saying, Lucy's amazing. She deserves something big. You missed an important moment, and she's going to need a grand gesture to show you're sorry.

A:He's right. This is Lucy we're talking about. It's not just a random date,this is your anniversary. You don't half-ass an apology for that.

N:I agree with Angela. Lucy isn't unreasonable, but she's probably hurt. A big gesture might be what you need.

Aa:And by big gesture, we mean shopping spree.

T:You're all insane. I can't just throw money at this!

Jo:Tim, sometimes you have to throw money at it. It's like the universal apology language. You forgot, and now you need to make it up to her in a way that makes her forget that you forgot.

T:But I didn't forget because I didn't care. I was literally in the middle of a mission!

W:Dude, it doesn't matter. You were gone, you forgot, and Lucy was probably sitting at home, waiting for you to remember. You've got to make it up to her.

A:And don't underestimate the power of a shiny object. Something thoughtful, too. Show her you're putting effort into this.

T:What if I plan something meaningful? Like a surprise getaway or something?

Jam:Yes! But also max out your credit card. Maybe both. Definitely both.

Jo:I think a surprise getaway sounds like a good idea, Tim. Something thoughtful, something personal. Lucy's not all about the material stuff, but she'll appreciate the effort.

W:But maxing out your credit card is still on the table.

N:You guys are hopeless. Tim, listen, you know Lucy. She'll appreciate a heartfelt gesture more than just spending money. Plan something special, but it has to feel sincere. No generic gifts.

Aa:Yeah, don't just buy her something flashy. It's got to mean something. Like, go to that spot where you had your first date or something.

T:You mean the diner with terrible coffee?

Aa:Okay, bad example. Maybe something more... romantic?

J:Here's what you do. Write her a letter. You're not good with words in person, but you can explain why you missed it and how much she means to you in writing. Then maybe surprise her with a weekend getaway or something she'll love.

A:A letter from Tim Bradford? That's a rarity. She'd probably keep it forever.

W:And max out your credit card. Did I mention that?

T:Yes, Wesley, you did. Multiple times.

Jam:I'm with Wes. Go big or go home. Write the letter, plan the trip, but don't hold back on the gift. Anniversary screw-ups need fixing, and this is the way.

T:Alright, fine. Letter, trip, and... something shiny. I got it.

Aa:And that's why they call it damage control.

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