Aaron the cat whisperer

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G - I hope everyone has seen the news.

L: What did you find sir?

J: News?

A: This can't be good.

T: Is this about Aaron?

G: Yes Nolan, here is the link (Link)

The news



The officer was seen chasing a kitten in the middle of the intersection, making it more chaotic than it already should be! Now isn't that a cat-astrphic event! Truly something we don't see everyday. Guess the LAPD isn't only protecting the people of Los Angeles but the pets too! Videos and pictures have gone viral over the internet within a matter of  minutes. Guess the LAPD can list this event as one of their most cat-astrophic events.

Aa:What did I do now? Please tell me it's not about the cats

G:Let's just say there was a bit of a traffic jam today... caused by a certain officer attempting to save kittens from oncoming traffic.

J:I knew it! I thought I saw a cat fly past my patrol car!

N:This is going to be hilarious. I can't wait to see the footage.

Aa: It was a tactical maneuver! 

Aa: Those cats were quick, and I was just trying to help!

L:Tactical maneuver or not, I don't think "paw-sitively blocking an intersection" is a phrase we want associated with LAPD.

A:And the best part is that you slipped on the curb while diving for the last cat! You looked like a cat burglar in a full uniform!

T:And you managed to cause more chaos in the process.

N:Did anyone catch the moment you screamed? It sounded like a horror movie!

Aa:That scream was a natural reaction! I slipped and nearly fell into a flowerbed. You would have screamed too!

T:You didn't fall into flowers; you fell into cats. Not your best moment, Thorsen.

G:This isn't a laughing matter. I expect a thorough report by the end of your shifts. No more cat chases without proper protocol!

Aa:Understood, sir. I'll stick to normal police work from now on. Promise.

T:I can't believe this is what you've brought upon us, Thorsen.

L: But thanks to you, the LAPD is trending on social media as the "Cat Crusader." How does that feel?

Aa:"Cat Crusader"? I'd rather not be known for chasing cats.

N: You brought this up on yourself

A: Someone get him a "Caution: Cat on the Run" sign for his car.

G:You all need to focus. And by the way, I hope you're ready to face the music in the next roll call.

T:Don't worry, we'll just tell them that our "Cat Crusader" was trying to save the day.

Aa:Oh, come on! I'm trying to save cats here!

J:Maybe next time, just stick to normal emergencies.

N: And if a pack of dogs starts running through the streets, I'll be sure to send you in, Aaron.

Aa: You all are never going to let this go, are you?

G:If you're going to be saving cats, do it off-duty next time.

L:Agreed. Let's keep the cat rescues out of the shop and station.

T: And no more chasing!

T: Leave that to Animal control

Aa: I promise I won't go out chasing cats during work hours.

Aa: I will follow the normal procedures

G:Good. And remember to keep your eyes on the road.

Aa: Yes sir.

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