Lucy's Little Secret P5

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L:Alright, so I took another test, and... it's positive. Again. No surprises there, but my nausea is worse. Like, seriously worse. I can't keep anything down.

A:Positive, huh? Looks like it's official then! Congrats, Lucy! Well, except for the vomiting part. That's terrible.

N:That sounds... rough but at least now you know for sure. Congrats mama! So... have you told Tim yet?

L:Not yet. I can't find the right moment. He's been so busy with work, and I've been so busy puking, it's hard to squeeze in a "by the way, we're having a baby" conversation between trips to the bathroom.

Tam:Lucy, you have to tell him soon! What if he finds out from someone else? Or worse, what if he catches you mid-vomit and puts two and two together?

L:I know, I know. But honestly, I just want to get through one day without vomiting before I break the news. Is that too much to ask?

N:You're going to have to tell him soon, Lucy. He's not stupid—he'll figure it out. I give it a day before he notices something's up.

A:Yeah, you've been keeping it quiet for long enough. He's bound to catch on soon.

Tam:Hey, you know what would be hilarious? Adding Tim to this chat right now. Just drop him in and see what happens.

L:Tamara, no! Don't even joke about that. I'm trying to keep this under wraps for a little longer.

N:Come on, it'd be great,Tim would probably freak out and start interrogating everyone.

A:Especially after hearing about how sick you've been. He'd go into full "protective partner" mode in like five seconds.

Tam:I'm telling you, just drop him in! We'll all act casual and watch the meltdown.

L:Absolutely not! I need to tell him in person. He's already going to lose it when I need to make it worse by surprising him in a group chat.

Tam:Fine, fine. I won't add him... yet.

Tamara added Tim

T:Wait, what's going on here?

L:Yeah, like, one day without any vomiting would be.

L:wait. Tamara!! Did you just add him??!

A:Oh no, she didn't!

N:Oh, she did. This is happening.

T:Seriously, why am I in this chat? What's going on?

L:I cannot believe you just did this!

Tam:What? I thought you said "not yet." Seemed like the perfect time to me! 😉

T:Okay, now I'm suspicious. Someone needs to tell me what's going on, and they need to tell me right now.

N:Well, Lucy... looks like you're gonna have to say it now!

A:Yeah, you're in the hot seat, girl. Time to spill.

L:Tamara, I swear, this is NOT how I wanted to do this...

T:Do what? What are you all talking about? Lucy, what's going on with you?

L:Okay, fine. I was going to tell you in person, but since Tamara decided to take matters into her own hands... Tim, I'm pregnant.


A:There it is! The moment of truth.

T:You're... what? Pregnant? Are you serious?

L:Yeah. I took a couple of tests, and they're all positive. I've been feeling awful for weeks... mostly just nausea and exhaustion, but yeah. It's real.

T:Oh my God... why didn't you tell me sooner? You've been dealing with this all by yourself?

L:I wanted to be sure first, and... honestly, I didn't know how to bring it up. Plus, with the constant vomiting, there really hasn't been a good moment.

Tam:Also, she was kind of hoping to have one puke-free day before telling you. Spoiler: hasn't happened.

T:Lucy, you should've told me! You don't have to go through this alone. Are you okay? Have you seen a doctor yet?

N:Called it,he's officially in protective mode. Dad instincts activated.

A:He's about to start planning her whole schedule now, watch!

L:Tim, relax. I'm fine. It's just morning sickness... or, well, all-day sickness. But I've got it under control.

T:Clearly, you don't if you're throwing up all the time. We need to get you checked out. I'm booking an appointment first thing tomorrow.

L:I knew you were going to say that...

T:And from now on, I'm driving you to work. No more pushing yourself. You're taking it easy.

N:Full dad mode, initiated.

A:Told you. He's going to start telling her what to eat, how to sleep, everything.

Tam:Next thing you know, it'll be prenatal yoga classes and organic smoothies for every meal.

T:You guys can make jokes, but I'm serious. Lucy, you're not doing this alone. We're in this together, okay? We need to be smart about it.

L:I know, Tim. And I appreciate it. But right now... I just really need to not throw up again.

A:We're all rooting for you, Lucy. But yeah, Tim's right. You need to see a doctor. Just to be safe.

L:Fine, fine. I'll make the appointment tomorrow. Anything to keep you from stressing out more.

T:Good. I'll go with you.

T:Of course I am. We're a team, remember?

Tam:Awww! Look at Tim stepping up! That's so sweet.

L:Yeah, yeah... sweet. Now can we PLEASE kick Tamara out of this chat?

Tamara left the chat

Tamara rejoined the chat

Tam:Oops, my bad! Must've hit the wrong button.


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