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One and half years later....

She is really pretty. Her crown headband makes her look cuter. It completes her pink dress and shoes. She's busy smelling the flowers in our garden. I hope there will always be a party so that she will always be here.

Today is momma and dada's wedding. I am their ring bearer and momma looked very beautiful in her white dress.

She is the most beautiful woman in the world.

The wedding was made on our garden, and when I count on the visitors they were thirty two. I know all of them, even momma and dada's best friends.

The wedding just ended and all are inside. Momma and dada's best friends have kids too but I don't want to play with them. I only wanted to be with Valerie Maegan. The boys might like her too and I don't want that. That's why I asked momma if we can go back to the garden and play.

She giggled as she saw the butterfly near her. Though I'm still grumpy with that Creed named kid who gave her flowers I still cannot stop from smiling whenever I see her.

I pick out one flower and handed it to her. "For me?" Her blue eyes grew bigger.

"Yes" I snobbishly said.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"Oh that just fell off the ground" I lied. I will say sorry to momma later because I lied to other people.

She was giggling and very happy while I am frowning and pouting.

"Do not come near that classmate of yours I do not like him" I commanded.

"Who?" Her little cute eyes twinkled in confusion.

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to tell his name. "Creed"


"No buts. He likes you" And I will punch him when I see him. Daddy taught me how to punch.

Dada said I will be a strong man when I grow up because I punch hard.

I suddenly thought of an idea.


I have to make her my girlfriend.

"Close your eyes I have something for you"

Her big blue eyes glow. She loves surprises. "Really? Okay. Okay" she immediately did.

I closed my eyes too and kissed her cheeks.

When I did I felt her tensed. When I opened my eyes tears are forming on the corner of her eyes.

"Why did you kissed me?" She sobbed, tears falling down her face.

My face flush. "Because I-I l-like you" I stammered.

"But mommy said I must be only kissed by my husband" she cried. I tensed and I do not know what to do.

Valerie Mae should not cry. Dada said it is bad to make girls cry.

"I will marry you. I will tell dada that I want to marry you"

"But we're only five! I do not know how to cook yet! All I know is how to fix my toys" she continued crying.

"I will bring my nanny with us in our home. Dada will buy us a house and there will be a lot of toys! Don't cry please"

"But...but... I like Creed"

and with what she said my world fell apart.

Taming His Royal HighnessWhere stories live. Discover now