Chapter 4

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The previous chapter was chapter 3. Sorry for that :)

Will answer comments later!


-Camilla Eldridge

Chapter 4

"Hey Scott" I awkwardly greeted, he nudged me softly and hold on my tray. "You alone?" He asked.

I nodded at him. Scott is good looking, and I like the way his eye smiles as he smiles, it was contagious. "Care to have a company?" He asked softly.

"No. I don't." They seated at the corner, they were in front of each other, like a date.


I blushed. I've never eaten with a guy alone except for Connor.  Speaking of Connor, where is that guy? Why is he not calling me? I shook my head, Don't ruin it Valerie. A new friend is a good thing, your life shall not go around Connor.

"You okay?" He softly asked. "If you don't feel comfortable--"

"No." I smiled, going back to him, "Sorry. I was trying to remember some Math stuffs. I'm not really good at that." She lied.

That is true. She's not good at it, but then she Aces the exams because usually she bugs Connor to teach her how those equations work.

"What about Math?" He asked.

"Oh everything." She laughed. "But I was done with it anyway. And thankful this was the last one."

"I can teach you if you will let me." He said, making me look at him. He meant it. He wanted to spend time with her. A lot of time with her.

"What are taking up Valerie?" He asked. Valerie Maegan. He loves her name.

He did a little research. He wowed when he knew she's a real princess, but it was never why he liked her, even without that title he was starting to like her.

"Business Administration. How about you?" She asked.

"Accounting"  he said. It was his choice.

"Oh. You're great at numbers! Wow!" She's amazed by it. Number never loved her, but she needed them to be one of the best. "Let me guess, your parents are accountant too, aren't they?"

He smiled and chuckled. "Actually they are both doctors."

She frowned. From doctor to accountant? That seemed to be a "not really related at all course".

"Why did you took that?" She curiously asked, she took up Business Administration because she wanted to be like her dad. "Well, my grandparents are businessmen. My dad's a surgeon, and my mom is pediatrician. It's cute how they met, they met each other on an outreach program in Africa."

"Oh my mom once went there too! She's actually an OB-Gyne before she had kids."

Amusement filled Scott's eyes. "Really? Wow! What a small world. Actually I also had a chance to visit the people they are helping,"

"Oh me too!" She enthusiastically said. "I've been there three times already, I love being there!"

Scott said the place they've been visiting and that made Valerie more interested. "Are you serious?! We are coming over that same place!"

Surprised, Scott said, "What is the name of your Mom?"

"Monique. Monique Spencer." Hmm. Monique Spencer, she sounded familiar but he cannot remember where did he heard her name.

"How about you?" Monique asked. "What is the name of your mom and dad?"

"My mom's name is Pia Woods, while my dad is Mark, Mark Woods." She interestingly nodded.  "Where did they graduate?" She asked.

"Both here in Harvard, but my mom was younger than my dad." He countered. "Oh my mom studied here too!" Valerie excitedly answered. She loves that they had something in common. She's comfortable talking with Scott like she knew him for a long time. She doesn't feel uncomfortable and awkward anymore, she just felt like they can talk for hours over things.

"It was really a small world." Scott said. "Who knows? Maybe our parents know each other, I mean the University is not that big right?"

"Yeah. I totally agree! You know what I'm going to ask my mom about your parents, maybe she knows them! She'll be static about it!"

Valerie is right about it. Her mom will be happy to know she's been friends with Mark Wood's son, but then, how will Vincent handle that? Especially that it was his mortal enemy's son who was trying to court his lovely daughter?

Oh. This means war.

They talked and talked, almost anything they can think under the sun, they talked about business, news, sports and even medicines! Oh they love to share their knowledge with each other!

Both of them were very happy, Valerie loves talking to Scott, but then, somebody was "sour-graping over the corner"


I cannot focus on Belle. I've been trying to, but then I cannot help but look over that guy and Valerie over the corner.

Valerie had not even looked at me, she did not even notice me! She was busy with the guy and she's been smiling the whole time! How I wanted to remove the guys head off and throw it over the sharks.

She was laughing, smiling, and seemed interestingly listening to the boy. What are they even talking about? Valerie had never been that interested on talking with a man.

"What if he's wooing her?" A little voice on his head whispered.

No way. He knows Valerie's promise to her dad. No boys not until she graduates.

No boys aside from him. Of course, he's a friend. The guy must have been trying and maybe Valerie was being polite.

"But why is she smiling wide and authentically?" A bitter voice over his head popped.

No. She's just being polite.

"Hey" the lady in front of her softly said. "Are you okay?"

No. He's not. He wanted to leave Belle and put a possessive hand over Valerie's small waist and tell the word that she is his.

But she is not his.

"Sorry. I forgot something on my pad, can we talk again some other time?" He said, looking at her.

She smiled. "I'm running tomorrow, how about that?" She offered.

"Good." He said, and held her hand and kissed the back of her palm.

And that was when exactly Valerie turned over their table, seeing that very scene.

Belle blushed again, but then, when Connor looked at Valerie and the man, he saw the disappointment on her eyes.

She forced a smile, before turning back to the man, uttering some words before they leave.

He wanted to follow her, hell! But why would he?  They are not in a relationship, they are just friends.

So he did what he had to do, he did not follow her.

He chose his head over his heart.

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