Chapter 15

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Sorry! A short one! Really busy!

Chapter 15

Valerie started to worry.


Never did Connor got this late when he had to be with Valerie.

She's now dialing on Connor's aid. What if something happened to him?

She's starting to be nervous

On the third ring his aid answered, it was Carl.


"Sorry for disturbing. I just wanted to know if Connor's with you?" She asked. Most of the time Connor elopes from his aids, but then he always tells her where he is bound to.

"He's with us princess. He's inside Belle's dormitory room."

Valerie's shoulder fell and she weakly answered, "Thanks."

She gathered all her things, and walked out of her room, to follow Scott and Paris.

Maybe Connor is busy with Belle.

Busy with what? A voice inside her asked.

She just ignore it. It is never her business to know what Connor and Belle are doing.

Things have changed. She is certain Belle means something to him. She was hurt alright. Never did Connor do this to her.

He never failed her.

But right now, he always did fail her.

By the window of the cafe, she saw Paris and Scott, they were sitting beside each other. Scott was pointing something on the paper which she guess are some math calculations,

While Paris? She seemed to be fond of looking at Scott.

Hmm. She smells something fishy.

She walk in and Scott immediately noticed her. "Valerie!" He enthusiastically greeted. She looked at Paris who's shoulders fell a little, but immediately recovered. "Oh Valerie! It's good you came!" She smiled widely, she tried to move to the farther chair but then Valerie abruptly put a bag on it.

"I'll just sit here." She said, looking down at Paris. "I just wanted to know if I have things that I am not yet familiar with. I mean, I had studied up at my room already."

She nodded at her. Valerie watched the two as they tackle the lesson. Scott had been a little attentive to her.

Ugh. She just ruined Paris' date!

She's sure to her heart Paris will never admit it but she thinks Scott is the one Paris is looking for, and not those pervy guys she meets at the bar.

Half of her mind is with Connor. She wanted to refrain him from talking and being with Belle.

But how can she refrain him if it was solely his decision to?

All she can do is to accept the fact that Connor's interest was never her. Move on from that puppy love and start looking for that guy who will have that common feeling with her.

"Yeah. You try to answer that" Scott got her attention, as he ask Paris to answer the exercises.

"Have you eaten Valerie?" He asked. I smiled and courteously nodded. He smiled and pulled something out of his bag, it was a thin white paper folded in the middle.

"I made you a summary of the quiz your about to take, some formulas, principles. I was about to give it to you later after our study, since I thought you'll not be coming."

She was shocked, and it was awkward for her.

She did not have to look at Paris to know what she is feeling. Ugh. She has to do something.

"Oh. It's okay Scott. I..."

"Please?" He said, cutting her mid sentence. She looked at her and Paris smiled, encouragingly nodded.

She closed her eyes and hold it. "Thank you." She said.

The rest of the night, they talked and talked about the Math topic, and Paris tried her best to be as jolly as she always is.


After their group study, Valerie and Scott walked their way to their room. From afar, she saw a familiar silhouette, she can never be wrong.

"Good night Scott, and thank you." She said, smiling at him and waited for him to enter his room.

She sighed deeply, not really wanting to deal with Connor today. 

She walked and looked at her. His eyes were apologetic, but it did nothing to her broken heart.

"Valerie." He softly said her name.

She gave him a small smile, "Hi Connor." She tried to hid that hurt she feels. "I'm a little bit tired, can we talk tomorrow?" She softly answered.

"I'm sorry if I did not come...Belle needed me and..."

"It's okay. I understand." She did not want to her anything else. She just wanted to sleep and not to deal with this.


"I get it Connor, you feel responsible for it." Like you always feel. "And I get that, you don't have to explain anything." I softly said, trying not to sound jealous.

He handed me a thin notebook and a pistachio ice cream, "I made you a summary of the lesson Valerie and pistachio ice cream"

I looked at it, and looked back at him. "Thank you, but Scott gave me one already." I truthfully said, but reached for it.

His jaw drop, hurt was obvious in his eyes but immediately concealed it. "Good night Connor." And before I can hear his response. I closed my door already.


Days has passed, Connor and Belle has been rumored to be finally together. It has been almost a week, and Connor never left Belle. He was assisting her, walking with her, being with her.

"Ugh. I really hate that Belle. It's obvious! She faked it!" Paris mutter on my side. It was just the two of us eating on the cafeteria. "Why are you just letting her Valerie? Go get your guy!"

I smiled bitterly. Of course he is not interested with me.

And this hurt in my heart cannot be mended by a pistachio ice cream.

Rumors were roaming around that they are together, and since that night, I did not contact Connor, and Connor never contacted me too.

Was it a friendship over? Maybe yes.

It was an ordinary day at the cafeteria, before I saw Belle kissing Connor...

And she literally shouted, "It's official! Philip and I are together!"

And it just broke my heart.

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