Chapter 7

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A long one! Hmm. Ideas are popping out now. Hoping I can give another update this week! :D

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-Camilla Eldridge

Chapter 7

Later that night I saw dad at the veranda, a wine on his hand as he look afar in our garden. He seemed to be thinking a lot.

I know something was bothering him again, I know it was because of me, and I can't help but feel guilty about it.

I hugged him from behind, causing him to look back at me. "Princess."

"Sorry daddy. Did I disappoint you again?"

He turned me over, held me on the shoulders and looked at me. "You never disappointed me my princess."

"I will not be friends with Scott anymore dad." I said. I can sacrifice all, everything, just to make my family happy.

He shook his head and kissed me on the forehead. "That's not what I want." He said.

He turned again, looked far, I leaned on the terrace too just like him. "We've been talking about this for weeks now. I said no but then, I guess, your mom is always right."

My heart pounded. What is this about?

"I was so firm with my decision...maybe not until today."

He sighed hard. Silent for a while, like he was having a hard time. "I'm letting you do whatever you want Valerie." He said.

I frowned and looked up at him. "I'm doing everything I want dad. I don't understand."

He looked down at me, "You can have a boyfriend now princess. You can go out and party. You can sleep with your friends without asking permission. I'm letting you."

My mouth feel, wait. What?

He sighed again. "We've been talking about it since your first term. Your mom was right. You love doing whatever I say. You hate disappointing me,"

"Even if it does not make you happy, as long as it makes me feel safe, you always follow me." He sighed again.

"But then, I don't want you to stop yourself from exploring the world. To stop yourself just because of me. Do what you love princess, it was just too ironic that life was too small. Imagine, you are friends with Mark's son. Do you know who he is in our life?"

I slowly shook my head, but then I'm guessing he's not a good guy, with dad's tone, I'm a little sure he's not a good one.

"He's your mom's friend too... Someone who was fascinated by the beauty of your mom. He should have been your dad." Dad's adam's apple moved, like he was suppressing tears, like he remembered a very painful experience.

"I was busy back then helping Katherine, she was pregnant with Connor, Jeanne was not stable, he had an Amnesia. There was a girl, trying to revenge with Jeanne's family." He inhaled deeply, like his life depended on it. "I hurt your mom, back then, I didn't knew she was pregnant with you already, that man, Mark Woods, became your mom's shoulder to cry on."

I saw sadness in dad's eyes. Guilt, unhappiness, something I have never seen before. Something that he was not proud he did.

"Your mom and I, we did not met like a typical couple who went out on date and clicked. It was a series of denial, heartache, on and off relationship, I hurt your mom, not once, twice, thrice maybe not just four times. Then at those times Mark will be there, caring for her, loving her, until that day she knew she was pregnant with you."

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