Chapter 5

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-Camilla Eldridge

"Why are you with the boy?" Connor was playing with my iPad, he was wasting all the gems on my clash of clans.

"He's not a boy, he is a man and his name is Scott." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Damn! I lose." He said throwing my ipad away and laid back on my bed.

"Buy me some gems, you wasted them all."

"Why are you with the boy?" He asked again, serious.

"Connor I'm not asking you why you are with Valerie." I said, turning back to my laptop, trying my very best to focus than to get jealous.

Before Connor can counter on that somebody knocked on my door. We looked at each other before he ran towards the door, it might be the pizza that we ordered.

I run too but he caught me and tickled me. "You're unfair!" I giggled and hold him on his waist to stop him.

We love fighting over food. With Connor, I do not bother to eat beautifully or with poise.

I eat like a little kid, the real me, with him.

He attacked me again, tickled me on the sides, and I die in laughter.

This is one of our bondings.

I pulled him and take over him and opened the door. His hands were on my waist, not surrendering.

"Hey--" To my surprise it was Scott, and his smile faded when he saw Connor behind me. I elbowed Connor and run my hand through my hair before smiling. "Hey Scott!" I wave a hand. "You need something?"

He smiled at me, but his eyes lower down on my waist where Connor won't just remove his hand. "Actually, I have a blueberry cheesecake with me and I was hoping we can share some."

"Oh! That will be--"

"Our food is about to arrive, too much sweets is not healthy, besides Valerie does not eat cheap cheesecakes."

"Philip!" I said, but I almost said his real name! Ugh! Connor is such a headache.

Scott's smile fade away, but he immediately recovered it. "I guess this is delicious." I said, taking the cake. "Actually, this is my favorite." I smiled at him. "Why don't you come in, we have a pizza coming."

"Actually, we are busy with some stuff and you will be nothing but a disturbance so please..."

"Philip, one more." I scolded him, he eyed him one last time before going back in.

"Sorry about that" I humbly said. "Come on in." I smiled at him.

"No. Thank you. Maybe some other time." He said and smiled. "Good night Valerie."

"Good night Scott."


"Connor I am not happy with your attitude"

"And I am not happy with his. Why is he coming to your room? What if he take advantage of you?"

"Scott is not like that!"

"Oh trust me, every man is like that."

"You've sleeping with me for our whole life and you did nothing wrong Connor!"

"It's different you're my sister!"

I stiffened. Sister. I was his sister.

He seemed to saw my reaction, but then I tilt away my head. "Give Scott a chance enough of judging Connor." I said and proceeded on my homework.

Sister. A sister. It kept bugging in my head, what had I been expecting?

Our pizza in a while, I ate in silence beside Connor.

"Hey." He softly said. "Don't be mad at me, I just wanted to protect you Valerie."

I looked at him and smiled, " I know Connor. Sorry too, you're right, I should have not have trusted him that easy." Just like how I trusted that someday we'll be together.

"Forgive me?" He said.

I nodded. And I hope you can forgive me for liking you too Connor.

Later that night Connor stayed and they talked about anything under the sun.

"What are the traits you like in a guy?" He asked.

"You mean romantically?" She looked up, dreamy.

"I want him to be nice, adventurous. I want him to a knowledgeable about life, mom and dad talk about things, debate about ideas, and I want that too."

"Those were not physical attributes" Connor countered.

She looked at him, both of them were lying on her bed, a long pillow separating them.

She looked at the ceiling again, "I want a tall one, with beautiful almond eyes, one that when he smiles it reaches its eyes. With white complexion and intimidating or serious face most of the time, I don't want him smiling over girls, I guess I'm the jealous type, one trait I got from daddy."

And most of then were Connor's trait. Actually, she is describing him, his personality, his personal appearance, but then he's not interested with her romantically, so maybe she has to make amendments with the man of her dreams.

"You know what Connor I'm also dreaming of my first date! I want it to be on a private place, where it's just the two of us, then I'll be wearing a nice dress, and he will be wearing a tuxedo, then we will be at the middle of the garden, then there will be a soft music, I don't want an orchestra for it, I just want it to be for the two of us, then we will talk, laugh then dance the night, and after it? There will be fireworks to end the night and then he will kiss me. My first kiss."

She was dreamy about it, she thought of it since she was young, how she wanted to have her first date that will lead to her first kiss, but then, nobody has ever asked her to go out on a date. Ever.

Maybe it was because of her status in life, maybe it was because her daddy was too strict when it comes to guys.

But she still thinks it will happen, she still hopes, she still prays for it.

"Do you know that guys do not do that on the first date? They'll go to the bar, they'll get drunk, get a girl who's willing to get laid, then hump and dump them."

She pouted, but she knew it was true.

As she grows old, it seems like love was not as easy as fairytale. It was not love at first sight, but a crazy roller coaster ride.

"Whatever Connor, I'm am very certain that it will happen."

"And uncle Vince will get mad at you." He said, with a smirk on his lips.

I pulled the pillow underneath me and attacked him, "You know what you better go to your room! You just really love ruining the moment! I'm sleeping now."

He laugh out loud before sitting up, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. "Good night my sweet Valerie." and he walked out.

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