Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The next day, I found myself alone on the hospital bed, I can hear Connor's voice as he shout over whoever he has over the phone, and just a little second, he dropped it off when he saw I was awake.

He smiled and walked towards me and kissed me fully on the lips just like before.

It was another bright day that I should be thankful for. I feel no ache today and that's something big for me.

I guess it's time for confrontation too.

"I brought you breakfast baby." He said sitting in front of me and preparing my meal.

"Did Scott called you?" I asked, even before I take a bite.

He frowned and nodded at me, "I kept on losing track on you, not until today that I have known I've been tracking the wrong person." I think he already knew I planned this all and discovered I hired someone to disguise.

"I should have been the one that found you. If Paris did not broke the engagement with Scott he'll not be here and I'll not be aware of what's really happening to you."

"She did what?" I asked in horror.

"That's not important now baby, they'll be okay." He said.

He let me finished eating before we talked, he sat beside me, his hand running through my hair.

"The doctors are coming in today, they'll do the operation tomorrow and the chemotherapy the soonest."

I looked up at him, gave him a small smile and shook my head. "I'm keeping the baby." I only answered.

He cupped my face, "Baby listen to me, okay? You need to live."

"Connor, I'm keeping the baby..."

"Valerie, that fetus will harm you, we'll get that out of you, you'll have the surgery, you'll live then you'll marry me."

"I'm keeping our baby!" I said, but then I realized, maybe he thought it wasn't his.

He looked at me and shook his head. "I know it's mine. I doubled the money you paid the guy, he told me it was a set up, that nothing happened." He said.

"But then, I'm not risking your life for the baby, can't you see? I cannot live without you Valerie." Fear was evident on his eyes, he was afraid of it.

I held his hand and smiled at him, "I want this baby Connor. This gave me a new hope, a hope to fight again." I mutter.

"This little life we created, she'll love you the way I did, if ever you miss me, she'll fill it up." I said, caressing my tummy.

He held my face and looked at me, "I cannot accept that baby without you, you hear me? I will forever hate that baby if you will not do the surgery Valerie."

"I'm sorry Connor, but this is final... You, you can leave if you will not respect my decision..."

The chemotherapy will harm the baby, the doctor said it's best to do the surgery and chemotherapy after I gave birth.

Since I am nine weeks pregnant and still have four months of my life, I can give birth at her prematurely, hopefully almost seven months.

That's the only span I can give, so I'll bring her to life even before my time is up.

I have to make sure every thing is alright, if Connor cannot accept the baby, then mom and dad shall take her with them.

Another thing to tick off my bucket list was letters for my little girl, for the day she's born, the day she first talk, crawl, walk, have teeth, first sight, first birthday, and every event of her life.

Also, I wanted to buy her baby stuffs, even if I cannot see her wear it, at least I can participate in buying it.

Right now mom and dad has to know my status, somehow it gave me a reason to do the surgery. I wanted to be part of her as she grows up.

But then, the doctor had been frank with me, it only takes a miracle if my body can make it til after I prematurely give birth.

I needed to secure my little girl's life, assuming she'll be a girl.

A girl or a boy, any will do, as long as he or she is healthy.

Connor transferred me to a white house, not as big as our home, but I can say it is spacious. He said the doctor's are coming anytime, and he told me my parents are on their way too.

I held his hand, and placed it over my stomach, hoping a little that he'll feel a connection with our baby,

"Hey little one, here's your daddy." I murmured, knowing it will be Connor who will be with my little one for the rest of his life.

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