Chapter 9

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Twice in a row update. Another tomorrow? Hmm ;)
A shorter one!

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-Camilla Eldridge

Chapter 9

"V-Valerie!" Connor immediately walked towards me. He held her on her shoulders, "I've been calling you! Why the hell are you not answering?."

Valerie forced a smile, seeing them, like that, hugging, made her thought of what Paris said they did at the bar. She's sure Connor got what he wanted, but then, he is still with her.

And it meant one thing,

He is serious with her.

She did not felt it the first time, when she was still being playful, telling Connor what was Belle's name. She does not worry, for she is "too confident" that she will be just another girl.

"Valerie?" He called for her attention. She looked at her, "S-Sorry. I've been busy."

He looked at her suspiciously. Even if she is busy, she will always find a way to talk to him.

Had he done something wrong?

He cannot remember.

"Did you just arrive? You can share a seat with us."

"Actually we wanted to bond. Just us." Paris hastily said.

Valerie's eye grew. Ugh. She hates it when Paris just snaps meanly at Belle. She does not do it to other girls.

"But you can bond with us. I mean, we'd done that right?" Connor wanted to spend time with Valerie, he missed her. Damn. He was about to ask her out! Just the two of them!

"We don't want to disturb you." Valerie softly said, she looked at Belle who was dramatically wiping the sides of her eyes to remove those tears on her eyes. She was slowly damping the tissue on her face, just like an actress.

Belle caught her looking and she smiled at her, but she doesn't feel good about it.

Was she being brainwashed by Paris? She felt her heart, and she felt a little bit of anger towards Belle. She should not feel that way right?

You should never hate someone who did nothing wrong to you.

"We're okay. You can share a seat with us." Belle commented on the side with that smile on her face.

"Please Valerie?" Connor said, and it was enough to convince her.

On the side was Paris who rolled her eyes. She hated doing this. She's near her limit.

She wanted to slam Belle's begging face and shout at her. Call her a slutty cheap bitch!

If Valerie would not just hate her then she will surely do that! Ha! She needs to do something before the girl do something with her best friend!

Connor pulled a chair for Valerie, as well as Paris. "A dinner with us won't hurt." Connor was decided, he wanted to spend his lovely Valerie.

The waiter approached them and gave them the menu. "The usual?" Connor asked, even before Valerie can look at the menu.

She looked at her, and nodded. He smiled, "She's having a pasta bolognese and the same red wine I'm having." The waiter nodded and waited for Paris'.

"I'm having the same." She said. "I trust Valerie's taste."

"Except for boys." She murmured, just enough for Valerie to hear. "What?" Connor asked, but she just smiled and shrugged. "Nothing!" She exclaimed. "We're just talking about girly stuffs! Oh my gosh. I'm excited with our Asian trip!"

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