Chapter 13

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Sorry for the late updates! I'm really trying though!

Maybe the comments will help me! ;)

Happy New Year you all!

Btw, I posted a special chapter on Captivating the Uncrowned Prince ;)

Do you want one for The Royal Wedding too? ;)


-Camilla Eldridge

Chapter Thirteen

I started getting out of bed at four o'clock in the morning. I was an hour early. Reason? I wanted to run with Valerie today, just like before.

I know Belle need us. She doesn't have a lot of friends, she's usually alone. She has a low self-esteem, she was thinking she does not belong to this society because she was not born rich.

And because Paris make her feel that way.

I know if it was just Valerie she will surely welcome Belle. She's a sweet kind-hearted girl. She's like that to everyone.

And today I wanted to spend time with my Valerie Maegan.

I can feel the threat that Scott brought. I know he's nothing compared to me, but then, I cannot let Valerie be too close to him. What if he is really taking revenge for his mother?

Damn. I never wanted Valerie to be hurt. Never.

Like a robber, I looked left and right to see if Belle's around. Thankfully she wasn't.

I ran towards Valerie's room, sat down on the side of the door, waiting for five o'clock to come.

Forty five minutes more.

I did not mind waiting. I never mind it when it comes to Valerie. I waited for years right?

I smiled and remembered that incident in our garden, where I kissed her on her cheek and proposed marriage. She answered me she cannot cook yet, and now she can.

She's very beautiful, always beautiful, and I cannot even remember when was the exact moment I fell for her.

All I know is that, I will never take a girl seriously because she's the only girl I wanted. The only girl I will be serious with. No one else.

My thoughts were disturbed when Valerie opened her door. She was shocked to see me, her hair was wrapped with a towel, and she was already on her running attire.

"Connor what are you doing here?" She frowned, obvious that she was confused I was sitting on the side of her door.

"I was about to ask you to run with me." I tried to sound cool. "I know you're not yet ready."

She opened the door wide, letting me in. "You could have knocked." She said and giggled. "You did not look King-like when you were sitting there." She giggled again.

I laughed with her, her laugh was contagious, "Did I not?"

I sat on her bed, she put on bread over the bread toaster and removed the towel on her head. "I'll make you an HBLT."

"Yeah." She knows it's my favorite. Ham, bacon, lettuce and tomatoes.

Actually it's our favorite.

"What are your plans today?" I asked, taking a bite on Valerie's HBLT, made with love.

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