Chapter 10

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-Camilla Eldridge

Chapter 10

"Valerie! Valerie!" I grabbed her by the arm, she was almost running as she walk to her room. She did not let me bring her home. She go with Paris instead, I hurriedly walked her to her room and run towards Valerie. She did not utter a word after we talked about what happened last Friday.

  "Why are you not talking to me?" I locked her room's door.

  "And what do we have to talk about?"

  I paused. What do we have to talk about? "Anything. We can talk about anything."

  She rolled her eyes on me. "Please not today Connor. I'm tired."

  "What is the matter Valerie? You're not answering my texts, you don't want to talk to me. What is it? Is it because of Belle?"

  She did not respond, she turned her back on me, arranged her bed. "I have no business with your relationship, I don't care what you're doing."

  "So this really is about Belle huh." She looked at me and dared me. "Paris told me what happened last friday. She was lying to you Connor. Belle lied to you. Can't you see it?"

"Paris said she was not a 'newbie' at the bar, she got drunk, she was uncontrollable."

  I was not able to answer fast. Damn. I knew it. Paris had been feeding her wrong information. "That is not true Valerie. She's a good girl, she just had some experiences that we cannot understand. Paris is overreacting."

  "Are you defending her? And please, never accuse Paris of something she's not!" Her voice raised, something not usual from Valerie! Damn! That Paris really polluted Valerie's mind!

  "Damn. You don't understand Valerie! And Paris does not know what she's saying! She's just assuming things and making stories!"

  "Paris never would! You are accusing her of something she's not!"

  "Oh really? Paris is nothing but a spoiled brat! It was obvious that she was trying to put Belle in shame! She was making her feel like she's a social climber."

  "What if she is?" She softly asked, looking straight at me.

  I paused, cannot afford to see that look on her face, that unusual look that says she's asking me to choose from something that has no choices. "She is not Valerie."

  "She was new to these world we've been living since birth. She was new to the brands you've always known. She just wanted to experience that too."

  "And Paris do not want that Connor. And I know you knew Paris well."

  "That's why I asked you instead of her."

  "I'm tagging along Vanni and Eli, would you not want Eli to first see it before her? She is your sister!"

  "Oh she can be a member too! She can handle herself." Pain pierced through Valerie's eyes.

  She passed through me and opened the door of her room, "You are defending Belle and hurting Paris, while I am defending Paris and maybe hurting Belle, and since we have differing opinions Connor you better leave my room before we ruin our friendship."

  My heart pounded crazily. What the... What is she saying?

We never fought like this. Never in our lives did we fought like this!

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