Chapter 34

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Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄

Chapter 34

"Connor" I looked back to find mom, still wearing the dress from yesterday's wedding.

I never left the chapel since Valerie was brought inside the operating room.

Last night when she collapsed we rushed her in the hospital. Everything was planned in case of emergency, the small hospital here was fully equipped, all from Europe. It was months ago, waiting for the day of operation.

She was unconscious, she was not talking, she was frowning all the time, like she was hurting, but she can't talk.

It was good there was an ambulance standing by.

Since she entered the operating room she hasn't walked out of it. I wanted to walk in, to be with her.

But the doctors said I can't.

The doctors successfully delivered Joaquin Atticus, he was 42 weeks, and I haven't seen him yet.

Mom said he was so little, and unluckily, he looks like me. She said I look exactly the same except that he's thin.

Then the doctor suggested, it's the best time for the stem cell.

We wasted no time. We all agreed. Aunt Monique said this is the best time. Especially with Valerie's condition.

Since tests were made beforehand, Uncle Vince was ready for the operation.

He hugged Aunt Monique and kissed her, they talked a little, I can see in his eyes the determination to do it, he kissed her once more before entering the operating room.

The doctor said Valerie has to go bald, and I don't care at all. I just wanted her safe, I wanted her to live. It was never about the physical appearance. This is Valerie, my wife.

Since then I was on my knees. It has been twenty hours. Praying that the operation will save her.

And now...

Aunt Monique was beside me, she was praying for Uncle Vince and Valerie.

She made the sign of the cross before going to us. "Monique." Mom said.

"Can we see them now?" She weakly asked.

Mom held her hand and nodded. "Vince is a tough guy. You have nothing to worry about him." Mom said.

Aunt smiled and nodded. "I know. He'll be fine."

"Where's dad?" I asked as we walk towards the operating room.

"He's just making phone calls. Duties." Mom simply answered.

Since I went here in the Philippines, none of them oblige me to do my duties. Even dad, he said he understands, he even helped in trying to hide stories about Valerie.

Being a royal, has a great responsibility attached to it, the protection is given to us, but not with our loves ones.

Outside the operating room we saw the doctor waiting for us, Mom was on my side, her hand on my back, while Aunt Monique was on the other side.

"The baby is okay," the doctor started.

"He needs to be in the incubator, he has to go through tests to make sure if he's okay."

"Mr. Spencer is resting, he's good, however we need to observe him. We are expecting no harm was caused to him."

Mom held Aunt's hand and smiled at her. "He's be transferred to the room anytime now. He is still sleeping because of the anesthesia."

"How about Valerie?" I asked after a long breath.

The doctor looked intently at me before sighing. "We did everything we can. As of now, she's still unconscious, we are not sure for how long, and even after she wakes up, that's the only time we'll know about what effect it did."

"This is a new thing, and we did our very best."


Wearing the hospital gown, I walked in the ICU. Valerie was there. Her head with bandage, with her post baby bump, with different cords all over her.

I kissed her lips, my poor Valerie. "Hey wifey," I murmured.

"You have to wake up soon, little Joaquin Atticus is waiting for you... I haven't seen him yet, I'll wait for you to wake up."

"We'll see if her looks like me, or you baby."

I caressed her face, and looked at her. Her pale skin, her thin body, her beautiful face, the future Queen of Lexumbia, fighting for her life.

"I'm going to stay here baby. I'm going to hold your hand... Wake up, I do not care how long, just...just don't leave"

"As I was praying, while waiting for you, I told the one above, that I'll accept you, no matter what happens after the operation. I will accept you, just don't leave, you hear me baby? Leaving is not an option"

I sat down beside her and looked at her. I know, deep inside, I know this is too difficult for her.

Mom and I were talking before I walked in. She was telling me, usually, when a person is sick, they are just waiting for their love ones to tell them they can go.

But no. Never. I will never let her go.

This sounds too selfish. This sounds too bad. But I will never let her go.

A life without Valerie? It was impossible. All my life she's been with me. I can never imagine living a life without her. No matter how hard it is for her, I will not give her up. She has to fight. Especially now, we are complete now. We have a little Atticus to make us happy. Atticus needs her.

I held her hand and slept on the stool beside her, waiting for her to wake up.

"Connor... Connor... Baby..."

I opened my eyes, surprised to see my Valerie, she's awake now.

I hastily stand, to push her down on the bed. "H-Hey baby. D-don't get up. I'm going to the doctor." I softly said.

Valerie held into my hand before I can call the doctor. "I love you Connor." She smiled, a genuine one. "You have to be strong for our little one." She said.

She kissed the back of my hand, then caressed her beautiful face. "Ready my letters. Read my letters."

She smiled and leaned back to bed and closed her eyes.


I opened my eyes, to find that it was a dream. Valerie hasn't moved an inch.

I was worried she died after she closed her eyes.

I kissed her hand and caressed my face. "Are you having a hard time now baby? Are you... Are you giving up?"

"Don't baby. Don't"

I hold her hand and squeezed it. Only to find Valerie squeeze it back.

My eyes widened, I looked at her and saw her face frown...

As she slowly open her eyes.


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