Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Mom and dad were holding me, assisting me as I walk down the aisle towards the man I love. The simple white dress was waving because of the air. At the end of the aisle, I can see Connor, his eyes shining bright.

Before I knew I was sick, i know, Connor was so excited to marry me. It's almost every day that he asks me if he can marry me. I know he wanted to pop up the question, and even before I knew I was sick, I know he will pop up the question anytime soon.

Looking back, I became afraid, I do not know how to turn him down knowing I was sick. I always wanted to be Mrs. Connor Eisenhower. Not a queen, but his wife.

"Can you do it now honey?" Mom asked. Between mom and dad it's obvious that mom was the strong one, strong one to let me face everything in life.

"Love you mom" I said and kissed her. I did the same with dad. He gave me the bouquet of flowers and said, "If you became too week, your mom and I are on your back." I smiled, grateful and kissed him.

I walked slowly towards the love of my life. He shook his head as he smiles, he wasn't able to control his tears.

He was there with Uncle Jeanne and Aunt Kathy. They were crying too. On the side I saw our siblings, and of course, Paris and Scott.

She was crying like crazy, Scott was comforting her, and she was also smiling and nodding at me.

At that moment, I know, she has forgiven me.

Aunt Kathy immediately hugged me, she kissed me and said, "Don't leave my little boy, it'll kill him Valerie." She said and smiled at me.

Uncle Jeanne smiled at me and kissed my cheek, "Welcome to the family, my daughter." He said and it warmed my heart.

Connor helped me to sit, we were holding hands the whole time of the ceremony.

"You may now say your vows" The priest said.

"Valerie, ever since we were in the womb of our mothers, we have known each other. Our love story is one of those unique ones, one which started from our birth. Mom will always told me about that Christmas Eve you went on our home, where I saw you and tried baby talking to you, maybe that was the moment I fell in love with you. Maybe, by then, I felt that red string of fate."

"I always know that Uncle Vince never wanted me near you, and I know it was because he is feeling how in love I am with you. I tried diverting my attention, those days I spent with different girls, however, it was never the same when I'm with you."

"If you think I will love you less because you are thinner, paler, and you think you are ugly even if you are not..."

"I will trade everything, even the money, the fame, the crown, for you. No one can replace you in my life, because it was never the looks that made me like you, it was never the body, the heat, but rather it is your beautiful heart, your beautiful mind, and your love for me that made me want to be with you...until...until our last breath."

The priest turned into me and smiled, he said, "Valerie, you may know say your vows."

"Connor, you might have thought that you were not the first man I liked aside from my family. I will never forget that day when you stole a kiss from me in the garden and I told you I liked another man, yes, I liked him, but I liked you before him."

"Back then, I thought, when you kissed me I will get pregnant, and we will have to marry." I chuckled, and he did too. "I was afraid, I will not be a good wife just like mommy."

"As I grow older, you have always been my protector. You taught me to fight, you taught me to stand up and do what I want, that whatever I will want in my life, dad may be disappointed, but then, he will always embrace the thing that I love."

"Today, maybe one of the last days of my life. It might not be known to you and to our families, but I have been trying to fight the pain. For all of you, for our little Joaquin Atticus." Tears started to roll down my eyes as I continue, "If God will let me live after this, after everything, I promise to devote myself to Him, and to you and to the four other kids we are planning to make."

"We are already there at the point where we have accepted wherever we are going, however we are still trying. As you said, as long as I breath, there is still a hope of tomorrow. But then always remember that whatever makes you happy will make me happy too. You will be my one and only love, my king, my last love."

"If God will give me a chance, I will be an obedient wife, a supporting one, a good mother to our children, a loving mother, and I will be always by your side."

"But if the day comes, that I will not be there standing by your side, always read the letters I made for you and for Atticus, so you will still feel my presence in every event of your life."

After our messages for each other, the priest said the magic word which everyone was waiting for, "You may now kiss the bride"

And he did, it was magical.


Because of the few visitors, we ate inside our house, with Connor and I sitting beside each other, with all the visitors that stated their wishes for us, it will be Paris that I haven't seen in a while.

"Hi Valerie" She said, she's not even starting to talk but then she was already crying.

"Hi..." her voice croak.

"I- I can't" she cried, and that's when Scott stood up to hug her. "This is a prank right? You will not die right?" she sobbed.

"H-how about our tours around the world? How about our kids who will wear matchy clothes like us? This is a prank right Scott? They are kidding us right?" She cried harder.

When she calmed down a little bit, she started saying, "Sleepovers, shopping, visiting different countries. Your laughter, your kindness, your love for me..."

"T-that day, when I heard you said t-that I was the reason why you're broken... I broke up with Scott...and you know what Valerie? I am willing to do it once again, if you will live. I am willing to give him up, just...don't go Valerie. We will still be the coolest mothers right?"

"As you see, all of us here, we love you, we know, it is difficult to do it, if you can just transfer the pain to us, then do it Valerie...but don't leave us like this."

"Connor talked to me that night, when you told me you love David, he talked to me and asked me if I was mad at you... I told him I couldn't. I will never be mad at you..."

"But if you leave us? I will forever loathe you! Fight Valerie! All of the resources we have, Uncle David was also using his connections, we are trying our best to lessen the risk! But promise us...."

"Please fight" she said in a low voice. "Fight for us Valerie. I can donate whatever organ you need in my body,"

I stood up and hugged Paris, "I'm sorry Paris." I said, apologizing for the wrong I have done to her. "You will forever be my best friend Valerie." She cried, and  I know, she has truly forgiven me.

But then, suddenly I felt dizzy, and my stomach started to hurt. "Valerie, Valerie what's happening?!" Connor asked, catching me before everything turns black.

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