Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Later that day Valerie went home late. She looked for a nice dress for her first ever date.

And first ever kiss too, she guess.

That magical, feet-lifting moment she thought might not happen.

Maybe not even that romantic date she's expecting.

She has no idea where Scott will bring her, so she settled for a simple dress. One that is comfortable for a dinner and even on a walk on an Amusement Park. Tomorrow is Valentine's day, the first ever Valentine's that she'll not be with her family.

Should she tell her parents about it? She's nervous but she didn't want to keep a secret from her mom and dad.

But she's scared, especially on what her dad can do.

She heard an immediate knock on her door. She knows who that is.

She did not want to open the door, she is not ready to face Connor.

She's just tired to pretend to be happy for him. She's tired to pretend to be the happiest she should be knowing he is thinking she is like a "sister"

"Valerie, open up" she heard him say.

She didn't open it, she can pretend asleep anyway. But even if she did not answer it up,he did not stop knocking. "Valerie please. Let's talk"

I counted one to five. Trying my best to really stop myself from opening my door.

But then I did not succeed. I found myself opening up, convincing myself a little more to be happy for Connor.

"Hi!" I fake a smile as I greet. "Have you eaten?" I walk to my fridge door, trying to look busy. "Sorry. I was on my headphones I did not hear you knock."

He leaned over the wall, hands on his pocket, looking at me. "Your headphones are with me." He casually said.

Uh-oh. Bad liar.

I brought out a cookies and cream ice cream and two spoons and little bowls. He sat on the chair at the end of the table and I sat on the other end.

"Cookies and Cream?" He asked.

I smiled, not looking at him as I scoop. "Scott gave it to me last night."

"Was he here?" He said, gritting his teeth in jealousy.

Jealousy? How I wish.

"He just gave it to me and leave." I pushed the tub towards him as I take small bites of it.

He looked away, looking at my bed, where my newly bought dress was. He stared back at me with those questioning eyes. "You shopped?"

I shortly glance at him and nodded, focusing on my food.

Connor knows me very well. I love shopping in bulk, usually when there are new collections. He know I never shop one piece dress...

If it is not for an important occasion.

"Why?" He was frowning at me.

I didn't look at him, keeping myself busy, and tried as casual as I can to speak. "Scott asked me out on a date."

Why am I even nervous? It is as if Connor will care.

But then he suddenly became wild. He smashed the table causing me to jump in fright.

"You're going on a date with him? What? You'll break Uncle Vince's rules now? Huh Valerie? When did you even thought of breaking the rules? And you think uncle Vince will be happy?" He queried.

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