The Reunion

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Imani Rae Reynolds in MM
As I step out of my car I fix my shirt and look at myself in the mirror one last time.I look damn good.I have on some white skinny jeans that make my butt look great and a coral pink blouse that is fitted then flares out above my waist.I have on some wedges that are the same pink with white accents, and my jewelry is gold.I left my hair down so that its wild.When I was in highschool I hated my curly hair so it was always in a bun but now I thank God for it.My makeup is pretty subtle,I half a little gold eye shadow on,slightly winged eyeliner,and mascara to make my already long eyelashes look longer and fuller.I also have foundation on and my lipstick is a light pink.I don't use concealer cuz all my acne from highschool has cleared up in the last ten years.I look at the time and see I'm about an hour and a half late and I smile to myself.Its time to make an entrance.
I walk in and people immediately start looking at me.I smile and make my way over to the bar.Sitting next to me is a girl I faintly remember.She used to play soccer and was very good until she broke her leg."Amber?"I ask unsure and she turns smiling faintly."Yea that's went to Scuhleman?"She asks which was the name of our highschool."Yea Imani Reynolds,the one who graduated early."I say trying to help her remember.I never really talked to her but in my two years we had like 4 classes together."Oh the super smart girl!"She says then looks at me weird."What happened?"I clear my throat and continue smiling."Nothing "happened" I just grew up."There's a awkward silence and the bartender hands my drink smiling."Weren't you Jasmine Wayne's stepsister?"She asks and I nod gritting my teeth."Is she coming?I would love to talk to her!She was so--" "I gotta go!"I say and quickly get up.I leave and walk to some tables on the other side of the room.As I'm walking it seems like everyone wans to know who I am,none of them think I went here.Now they want to pay attention to me but before I was just that awkward girl.
I explain who I am to about 20 people before I sit down by myself.I never really had any friends here so there's no one I want to catch up with.I get on my phone and just scroll through Instagram for a while.I don't know why but I look up and make I contact with him.Chris Brown.He looks even better than I remember.I had the biggest crush on him but he was so stuck on my sister and never gave me the time of day.He smiles at me and I look down at my phone blushing.A couple seconds later someone sits next to me and I know its him.
I look up smiling and he's cheesing."So who's date are you?"He asks and I laugh a little."No one's." "So you went here?"He asks and I nod."Nah cuz I would remember you."He says licking his lips."Well I remember you Chris."I say and he mocks surprise. "I'm honored... "He says fishing for my name and I put my hand towards him."Imani." "Nah ma I want your full name."He says laughing and I laugh too."Imani Ashely Reynolds nice to really meet you."I say and his hand lingers on mine.I look down at it and he just smiles."Are you the girl who was top of our class?"He asks and I nod."And if I remember correctly you were second right?"I ask already knowing the answer.That's part of the reason I liked him.Besides him being sexy as hell,he's incredibly smart,and he's athletic.He was the star of the basketball team.
"Yea I was second,I'm not as dumb as I look."He says and I find myself staring at his pink lips."You don't look dumb."I say stuttering and he laughs."So you were sitting here by yourself where all your friends at?"He asks and I shake my head."I didn't have much friends..all I had was my sister." "Who's your sister?"He asks as I play with my fingers."Jasmine Wayne."I tell him and he looks surprised."Are y'all twins cuz she graduated with us too?"He asks and I shake my head."No we're stepsisters but I graduated when I was 16."I explain and he smiles."So you'd be 26 now right?"He asks and I nod."Oh you young,you're a baby."He teases and I laugh."I'm not a baby."I say hitting him on his hard chest.I may have left my hand there a little longer then I should've.
"You wanna go out with me sometime?"He asks and my heart starts beating fast."Actually I don't know Chris I'm kinda seeing someone."I lie and he frowns."I didn't say it was a date Ni."He says giving me nickname.I blush and he smiles."I just want to catch up,and see what you've been up to."He says leaning back and look at me up and down."That's what this is for."I say referring to the reunion."Yea but--"He starts but I get a phone call and I stand up."I gotta take this Chris sorry."I tell him and walk outside.
It was my job and they want me to work tomorrow so I'm just gonna go home now.This was fun...not really.I don't even tell anyone I'm leaving I just start walking to my car but this guy who was pretty nice to me in highschool stops to catch up."Hey mind if I cut in."Chris says popping up out of no where.I say good bye and Chris looks angry."Who is that?"He asks and I laugh."You must not remember anybody."I joke but he doesn't laugh."Shut the fuck up,who was that guy!?"He yells and I'm confused.I put my hands up and step back."Who the fuck are you talking to like that Chris?!I don't even know you!"I say and his eyes look a lot darker then I remembered."Look Chris I'm leaving,you have some serious problems."I say and start walking to my car.When I hear him following me yelling my name I start walking faster.I don't remember parking this damn far.When I get to my car I get my keys and open the door but before I get I smell something and start feeling weird.I don't remember anything else after that.
So this is my new story but I hope u guys check out my other stories and enjoy this one.Follow me on Instagram @http.3w

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