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Imani and Trinity Friendship Necklaces in MM
"I'm so excited you get to go out today Rae!"Trinity says to me and I smile.She's started calling me Rae and its cute.Right now were on our way to the mall cuz Trinity helped me convince Chris that I needed more clothes if I'm a be here for a while.Fera was supposed to come but she's been sick lately.Me and Fera still don't see eye to eye but she did apologize and I did except it only cuz Chris told me to.
He's starting to trust me more and more cuz this is my first time out the house without him there.He also bought me a phone but its wired so I can only call him,Trinity,and Fera.Like why the fuck would I ever call Fera?But oh well.He let me and Trinity go to the mall but two guys that work for Chris are with us.I thought I would get a chance to run today but not with them around.
We go in and she drags me to forever 21.We start trying clothes on as the two guys stay very close to us.We hit up a whole bunch of stores and we buy a lot.We even got matching friendship necklaces.Chris gave us his credit card and told us to spend as much as we wanted so that's what we did.After a whole day of shopping we go to the food court and grab some pizza.As we sit, there's some cops who are eyeing us and I think of just running to them.I look over at Trinity and she's just smiling eating her pizza and I frown.If I run what about her?I've really gotten close to her and I couldn't just leave her.
I can't leave right now cuz that would mean leaving Trinity.I'll come up with a plan and convince her to come.As I think this the Police officers come over to us and I see Trinity tense up."Can I talk to you miss?"One asks me and I look at Chris' guys and they slightly nod.I get up and walk off with them.I could tell them everything right now."So have you ever dated a police officer?"The white guy asks and the black guy looks at him crazy."You can't just ask that Ryan,you gotta ease into it."He says and I get confused."Hey how you doing?"The black guy asks tryna spit game and I mentally groan.These can't be real cops."Are you guys cops?"I ask and the white one smirks."I can be whatever you want baby."He says and I walk away."Damn you see that ass man?"The black one says and I roll my eyes and sit down at the table."They're not even real cops."I say out loud and Trinity laughs."That's good Chris cuz said we should never talk to them." She says biting her pizza and I look up."And why is that Trinity?"I ask trying to get her to say understand what's going on."He said they just wouldn't get it."She says and its silent till we finish eating.
We drive home and--Did I just call it home?Oh my gosh I've been here too long and I'm getting comfortable!I sit there having a panic attack at the thought of this being my permanent home.We get out of the car and the guys carry our stuff."We're home!"Trinity yells when we step in and I cringe.Chris pops up and Trinity jumps in his arms."I missed you Chris!" "I missed you too Trinity."He says laughing then he looks at me but I look down.He comes over to me and pulls me into a hug which I don't return and kisses but I don't kiss back."What's up Ni?"He asks right after Trinity leaves."Its nothing Chris you wouldn't understand."I mumble and he just looks at me."You can talk to me."He tells me and I glare at him."I really can't Chris."I say pulling away just as Trinity walks back in."Where's Fera?"She asks and Chris sighs."She's been throwing up all morning and thinks she might be pregnant."He says and I turn to look at him."So there's gonna be a baby in the house?!"Trinity asks excitedly but he just frowns."Trinity you know how this works,she's getting rid of it." He says and I look at him surprised.I don't believe in abortion and to hear Chris say that is horrible.Trinity doesn't say anything and just nods."Really Chris?"I ask and he looks at me."Yes Ni that's how it works here." He says and I think about how many times she's probably had to go through this.I don't respond to him so he leaves and I sit next to Trinity."How many times has this happened Trinity?"I ask and she thinks."This is the third...that I've been here."She says and I'm shocked."Well does Fera care?"I ask and Trinity nods."She usually cries for like a week and ignores Chris but then she moves on."She explains and I nod."I'm a go talk to Fera."I say and Trinity smiles.I walk to her room to have a little chat with her.
What's she gonna say to her?Cmon now Chris abortion!Those cops though lol I was thinking of let's be cops the whole time.Drop some comments.
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