I Asked Your Parents

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Dominique in MM
2 months later
"Jalennn."I moan and he smirks.I look down at him rubbing my feet.We've gotten pretty close over the last couple of months so I got him to agree to rub my feet for me,if you thought I was moaning for a different reason you have a dirty mind.Even though I'm really attracted to him I'm not trying to get involved with anybody.After we went on a couple dates I realized I wasn't ready and we decided to be friends.But even though we talked about it there's still a lot of sexual tension between us.I'm pregnant, I get horny!He kisses me here and there and holds me but nothing more,he spent the night one time and we almost had sex but I explained the whole Chris situation to him and why I wasn't ready.He was cool with it but still thinks we can be together...
"You like that?"He asks continuing to rub my feet and I nod biting my lip.He laughs and comes up to kiss me but I turn my face."Give me a kiss Imani." He says laughing which makes me laugh."No Dom is right there."I say and he looks at him."So you'd kiss me if he wasn't here?"He asks and I nod just because."Dom,could you get me a water from the kitchen?"He asks and Dominique gets up from where he was watching tv."Dom you don't have to do that."I say laughing and Jalen sucks his teeth."Then just kiss me damn." He says getting closer and I can't stop laughing."No..."I say and then turn to Dominique."Come get your daddy."I say and Dominique comes over and pulls Jalen away."Dad you're in timeout."He says and Jalen's mouth is open.Me and Dom planned that whenever I said get your daddy,he would put Jalen on timeout.Me and him have gotten pretty close as of late and I even met his mom.Her name is Raeona.She's cool but her and Jalen are always fighting over Dominique,he lives with her but he gets to see him whenever he wants.
When I look over at Jalen he looks so sad and I just laugh,after two minutes his timeout is over."Ok dad you can leave now."Dom says and I look at Jalen expecting him to come back over but he goes to the kitchen instead.After a while he's still in there so I get up to check on him.When I get in there he's standing behind the counter playing with a piece of paper.
"Jalen what's wrong?"I ask him and he doesn't look up so I laugh.I go over and stand next to him and he just looks at me before turning away."Are you upset?"I ask touching his arm and he moves away."I just wanted a kiss."He says pouting and I laugh before turning him to face me.I put my arms around his neck and can't stop giggling,he leans down and kisses me hard but passionately.I start getting into it and playing in his hair.We pull away breathing hard and he bites his lip."Are you sure we can't try again?"He asks and I smile."We might be able to try som--"I get cut off by the doorbell.I pull away but he stops me."I got it,you shouldn't be up so much."He says and I shake my head."No its my place I'll--" "Imani sit down 'fore I pick you up and put you on the couch myself."He says and I frown."You'd probably break your back trying to pick me up."I mumble and he sucks his teeth."Shut that up Imani you're beautiful."He says and I blush.
We walk out the kitchen and while he walks to the door to open it,I sit on the couch next to Dominique.After a minute or so I hear yelling and I turn when I hear Chris' voice.
"I don't know who the hell you are or why you're in my house but get out of my damn way."He says to Jalen and Jalen says something back.I struggle to get up and when I walk over there Chris stops talking and looks at me."Imani..."He says and I don't say anything, I'm confused on why he's here and how he knew where I was.He pushes Jalen out the way and comes over to me before holding me in his arms.Jalen steps towards us and I push Chris off."Jalen could you give us a minute?"I ask and he hesitates before nodding."Me and Dom are gonna go,I'll talk to you later."He says coming over and kissing the top of my head.I smile slightly and nod.Me and Chris stand in silence until him and Dom walk past us and out the door."How did you find me?"I ask and he's frowning."Are you with him?"He asks ignoring my question and I roll my eyes."How did you find me Chris?"      "You're so big now...I mean not big but pregnant..." He says touching my belly,I move his hands and he looks at me."Answer my question Chris."I say and he just blinks.
"I asked your parents."He says and I suck my teeth."I told you to leave me alone Chris."I say starting to walk away and he follows me."How are you gonna expect me to leave you alone after you call me saying you're pregnant and then not answer any of my calls for 2 months?!"He says and I don't say anything."Chris I called you to tell you,I didn't want you to come here."     "You sound dumb as hell Imani.I've been worried about you I thought Jasmine kidnapped you or something."He says and I scoff."Chris stop acting like you care!"I yell at him getting angry."Stop saying that shit!I do fucking care about you,if I didn't I wouldn't have brought my ass all the way to Atlanta!"He yells back and I flinch at his yelling."Just get the fuck out!We're done.We've been done.I should left you when I had the chance."I say and start feeling pain in my stomach."This is my fucking house Imani if I want to stay,I'm a stay."He says and when I'm about to answer I feel a sharp pain.I hold my belly and close my eyes."What's wrong Ni?"Chris asks touching my hand and I jerk away."Don't touch me."I say through gritted teeth."Imani you need to sit down."He says and I let him sit me on the couch.
"I need to take you to the hospital."He says but I shake my head as the pain starts going away."No I'm fine,I just don't need you around me."I say moving away from him and he grabs my arm to stop me."Ion know what your problem is but I'm staying here till we fix this." He says holding my hand and I just roll my eyes.

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