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Its been a month since Trinity left and we haven't heard from her.Chris said her family is really poor in India and probably couldn't afford to call,but he sent some money over there a couple days ago.
Chris has been taking lots of trips lately for his business.I still don't really know what he does but that's cuz I never asked.Anyways,he goes on trips for 2-3 days then comes back and leaves a couple days later.Ion really mind though,I spend alot of time at the mall.Things are alright I guess, its just boring without Trinity.
Chris is coming home today and I really missed him but I have something to ask him.
"Shit."I hear Chris cuss walking through the door.His bag fell and he tripped a little bit, I giggle and he looks up smiling."You think this is funny?"He asks and I nod,he kicks the bags out the way and closes the door.He comes over to me and I stand up so I'm face to face with his chest,he looks down at me and smirks.He puts his arms around my waist and I trace the tattoos on his arm.I missed you Imani.I look up and just nod causing him to laugh."You keep playing with me and I'll show you something."He warns joking and I laugh."Do something Chris."I say slapping his hands down.He backs up nodding, putting his hands up."Ok ok,you wanna be disrespectful?"I laugh nodding and he goes to our room.I sit down but after a couple minutes when he doesn't come back I get curious."Chris!"I yell getting up walking over.I open the door quietly and see him laying on the bed with the pillow on his face.I hear him sniff and I see he's crying."Baby,did I hurt your feelings?"I ask sitting next to him and he doesn't answer."Chris..."I say reaching for the pillow and he grabs my wrists which scares the hell out of me.He quickly flips us over and we stare at each other before he busts out laughing, he lets go and falls beside me.
"Chris!"I yell hitting his chest and he laughs harder."I got your ass." He says out of breathe and I suck my teeth."Did I hurt your feelings?"He asks mocking me and I frown."Fuck you Chris."I say bout to get up but he grabs my arm gently and pulls me back.He wraps his arms around me and I turn my head away from him."Baby I just wanna make love!"He sings and I try and keep in my laugh but I can't.He smiles at me and kisses the top of my head."I missed you."I say turning to him."How much?" "A lot."I say slipping my hands under his shirt.He kisses me and I deepen it and his hands move to my butt.He moves his lips to my jaw line and gives me small kisses.He slowly moves to my neck and I moan quietly,he reaches for my shirt the same time I reach for his shorts causing us to bump into each other.We both laugh and I let him go first.Once all our clothes are off we only go one round before calling it a night.
I wake up and Chris is still asleep,I look at the clock and its really late so I decide to wake him up."Chris."I say shaking him and he opens his eyes."What's wrong?"He asks and I shake my head."Nothing its just late...I kinda wanted to ask you something too."I say and he props himself up on his elbow."Wassup?"   "Well..."I say looking at his tattoos."I was wondering if I could call my parents and--" "What the fuck for?"Chris asks raising his voice and I jump."Sorry I just don't want you to leave me."He says and I look up and at him."I just want to let them know I'm alright Chris." "What if they try and take you away from me?Imani I can't live without you."He says putting his hand around my arm."Chris they won't...I won't.I need to call them."I say rubbing his hand."Ion want you to."    "Well I'm sorry but I'm going to."I say and he moves away from me."Fine." He says getting up putting his shirt on as he walks to the door."Where are you going?"   "Out." He says and before I can say anything he leaves slamming the door.I sigh and lay back in the bed.
Two hours later,after I did my hygiene and ate breakfast,I'm sitting in front of my phone trying to work up the courage to call.Chris isn't back and isn't answering my calls or texts so I'm gonna call them.A couple weeks ago Chris got me a new phone that I can use to call anyone so its being put to use now.
I sigh and pick it up and type in my moms number."Just fucking do it."I say out loud to myself and force myself to press call.On the third ring she picks up and my heart it beating fast."Hello?"She says and at first I don't answer."Hello?"   "...Mom."I say on the verge of tears. "Imani?Is that you?"She asks and I nod forgetting she can't see me."Yes its me--"    "Where are you?Are you ok?!"She yells into the phone."I'm fine,that's why I called."I say tring to assure her."You disappeared for months and you're just calling?!"She yells getting angry."I'm sorry but its a long story and--"   "Come home right now."She demands and I bite my lip."I don't think I can..Chris--"    "Who's Chris?!"She asks interrupting me and Ion know how to answer."Nobody,he's nobody mom."    "Oh so I'm nobody now?"Chris asks coming out of nowhere.
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